by T. Patrick Donovan
February 12, 2004
First, the "Anybody But Bush" (ABB) movement is predicated on the mistaken and illusory belief that Bush & Co. is an aberration from the American political system, rather than extensions of it.
Second, for progressives to submerge ourselves within the ABB tidal wave is a complete abdication of our responsibility as global citizens to agitate around the issues facing this country and the world, rather than once again believing that our work is limited to simply voting for the president every four years.
The extremism that is the Bush regime is really a mirror into the extreme nature of the situation facing us all. Below all the political machinations, all the dire warnings of economic collapse, renewed plans for nuclear wars, global warming, etc., is the fact that the system that brought us all the benefits of modernity has now revealed its darkest shadow: the absolute commodification of every aspect of our lives, our relationships to each other and our environment. The American Way has brought us to the ultimate precipice.
Important as some of these may be, these are but the symptoms of a greater and more deadly infection: our complete dissociation from our world, each other, and even our own hearts. ...... Patrick Donovan is a doctoral student in depth Psychology. He can be reached at
This is one of the incisive, thought provoking articles I've read in a long time and I think the guy nails it. Before you flame away and remind us all how much better is Kerry or Edwards or even Dean and lock this post, I would urge each of you to let this man's words sink deep -- and ask yourself in all honesty whether the kind of change this world needs is really dependent ultimately in what American political party resides in the WH. I guess that's why it's so important to me that a Democratic victory represent something more than a cosmetic change -- that it actually mean that we take a different path in search of more lasting, human values. It's about raising human consciousness, stupid!