Just check first to see if it is in one of the Autralian or British papers listed here. If not listed, try to see who owns the company, and if it is owned by "The News Corporation" then you got a Murdoch Rag. If it doesnt say its owned by Murdoch's corporation directly, see who it is ownd by, and ten check who owns that. 9 times out of ten if it is British or Australian and it is smearing a U.S. Democratic candidate, that company is either a company in which Murdoch is a major shareholder, or it is a subsidiary of the News Corporation, or part of another holding company which owns dozens of differerent media corporations for Murdoch. Directly Murdoch owns 175 different media outlets. but the total number he owns through various holding companies is staggering.
In British and Autralian tabloids, and other papers with political agendas, it is not uncommon for these papers to simply outright lie about a candidate or create non existant affair and such. If Dean was in the lead right now, and his candidacy were really scaring Bush, you can be sure that you would see a cropped picture of Dean with his arm around a willowy young blond, which would have come from a larger picture of Dean on the stage with one of his many supporters, with his arm innocently around one of them, but the headline would read, "Dean seen with a young woman while he wife was at home" or something like that. It is very common in th British media, especially during election cycles. But it is even worse in Australia, where Murdoch was weaned on political slander in the papers he inherited from his father. They get away with stuff in those countries that simply would not be tolerated by the American Media, American law, and most certainly by the American Public. Fox News is tame by comparison, and so are Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.
Which is why the Kerry stuff was printed in those Australian and British Tabloids that have Murdoch links, but you didnt see anything on Fox, or in the New York Post. Murdoch knows that you can't get away with idle specualtion, innuendo, or outright lies in the American Media as directly as you can in Australia or Great Britain.
It is likely that you wont find the major media in the U.S. even naming the alleged young woman in a major media source, or in anything but right wing based web sites in the U.S.
Given the Murdoch source, I will bet that every element of the reports from the young womans father or mother are either taken totally out of context, or may not ever have even occured, given Murdoch medias penchant for creating events that have never even occurred.
All you need to do is keep your eye out for even a small Murdoch link when you see a candidate slur in order to try to back up something like Drudges Kerry allegations, and then you find the right wing slut campaign started to try to hammer a candidate that Republicans are getting worried about. When the major American Media didnt take the bait when Drudge started. Murdoch used his conservative media to try to give Drudge some credibility. Even that has not gotten the major media to bite.
Now check out this wording:
Mr Clark, meanwhile, yesterday endorsed Mr Kerry, something interpreted by some Washington observers as an effort to try and repair any damage his off-the-record comments had done. Reports yesterday identified the young woman as Alex Polier, 24, and said that she had fled to Kenya after being approached by a media organisation.
The Sun newspaper quoted Ms Polier's parents, Terry and Donna, from Malvern, Pennsylvania, as claiming Mr Kerry had pursued their daughter.
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3549312&thesection=news&thesubsection=worldThis article quotes the London Sun, which is a Murdoch paper, asserts that she fled to Kenya after being approached by a media organization.
If you do a little research you will find that the young woman mentioned wrote some articles for Associated Press between January of 2003 and Mid February of 2003 She has written several articles related to HIV-AIDS.
In fact, the most articles that Ms Polier had contributed to for AP seemed to have some HIV spin, except for on article that had something to do with between the age 18-34 taking the risk of going without health insurance even when it is availble to them through work due to the growing expense of the insurance.
Well regardless of the topic, it seems that the articles that she wrote or contributed to had to do with HIV-AIDS, and were critical of the pharmceutcal industry not doing enough to make these drugs available to the poorer nations of Africa. As well as being critical of the Bush Administratiom HIV Policy In Africa.
Given the HIV realted articles that the AP writer has contributed to last year, the idea of an AP writer going off at Africa, after being approached by a media organization, could have a totally different, and non sinister spin to it entirely. GIven Murdochs reputation for fiddling with context, adding non-existant elements to events, and then adding just the right amount of lies to what happened, it is small wonder that the responsible, major media, has not tounched these claims.