FLEISCHER: They're reminders to all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do. This is not a time for remarks like that; there never is. Did you ever wonder who or what Fleischer was trying to protect when he said this?
For a good two years after 9/11, the political dialog in this country went like this....
Mass Media: Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and monkey boy.
Cheney: Some people better watch what they say.
Ashcroft: If you try to stop me with the Constitution, I'll grow more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Bush: I recommend tax cuts for the rich.
Mass Media: 9/11. Saddam & Osama. Some people better watch what they say.
Wellstone: (exit stage left)
Cheney: KILL! National security. KILL!
Ashcroft: Some people better watch what they say.
Bush: I recommend tax cuts for the rich.
Mass Media: God bless our Great Leader. Some people better watch what they say.
Fleischer: Some people better watch what they say.
Democratic opposition: We're behind the President 99.9% when it comes to the never-ending "War on Terror."
Mass Media: Some people better watch what they say.
All of us activists who lived through that know that this election is about far more than just beating the naked emperor's bare bottom beet red, although that is certainly a primary objective. But what's even more important is that the issues that dominate this election season will go a long way toward determining whether or not we are going to continue to live in a country in which it is still
safe to broadcast the obvious truth to a American public -- an audience that has precious little idea of what has been going on behind the scenes since the Supreme Court put a mob of wannabe dictators in charge.
Considering all this, isn't it the height of irony that one of Dean's opponents' biggest criticisms of his candidacy is that he is too
free speaking. Yep. One of their most prominent arguments
against Dean is that he
criticizes Bush too recklessly.
Do you ever wonder who or what Dean opponents are trying to protect when they say this?