Jack Quinn, Former Political Consultant to Gore Campaign was a guest on Andre Mitchell Segment of MSNBC's "Super Tuesday".
Quinn started off with the caveat. We have some really great candidates and I want that on the table first off.
He also wanted to make it clear this was his(Quinn's) analysis based on his knowlegde of Gore not something he has been told.
Gore is not waitng for Hilary to stumble, Barak to fall or Edwards to tumble. According to Quinn, Gore will follow the election and if our candidates are "under-performing", Gore will enter the race. Quinn further stated--We simply must win this election. We cannot afford to lose. The Country cannot take another term of Republican Policy.
Underperforming is the operative word.
Separate from Jack Quinn but related to underperforming IMO
That poll which came out yesterday which showed Hilary in a definite lead 33 Obama 18 Edwards? Only Fox News Reported that in that same poll Gore scored close enough to Obama (within Margin of Error) that it could be considered Gore tied Obama for second.
Newt Gingrich analysis: For someone with 100% ID to only get 33% and Obama never gone over lower 20%, Gore not in the race and head to head for second place--. There is room for Gore or some other Democrat to get in and take off.
On the Republican side, Guilliani was in upper 40s until Thompson made serious noise about entering.
I guess it is all in the eyes of the beholder as to how they see the poll.
I say -- It ain't over till it's over.