I don't support Dean because I don't trust his populist rhetoric and see him as a fast-talking Centrist but I would vote for him if he won the nomination.
Clark? No way. The more I research him because of all the spin his supporters bring here, the more utterly repugnant I find him.
I can assure you that millions of war protesters will NOT vote for a man with such alarming baggage who was praising Bush and the entire PNAC crowd as late as March 2003 when we were already out in the streets protesting. Millions of us are not going to fall for the line that this brilliant Rhodes scholar didn't notice how evil they were until after March 2003 and has, since then, undergone such a stunning metamorphosis that we should trust the DLC (hah!) and give him the Presidency.
The PNAC agenda is wars, wars, and more wars. Terror in OUR land. Global domination and that is exactly what Clark has singed up for under the pretext of fighting terrorism.
Our Imperial Agenda - be it with Democrats or Republicans The Empire is dying and both parties have recognized this.
The problem is neither has a plan other than war and exploitationFinally, many of our fellow citizens are waking up and refusing to believe the rosy scenarios painted for us and the outright lies fed to us. We must not continue to march down a ruinous path of perpetual war and face the inevitable anti-American backlash that war will create. We need the courage to stand up to a reckless administration in Washington and demand an end to ceaseless interventions.
Instead of calling for a new American century of military conquest and control, we must begin a project for a new century that is a truly international century based on cooperation rather than conflict. We should begin with the simple and not terribly radical step of rejecting the neo-conservative doctrine of pre-emptive warfare as the new centerpiece of our foreign policy.
The best time to resist is not years from now when war and occupation have already taken a tremendous human toll both home and abroad. The time to stand up and resist the neo-conservative military agenda is today—before the body count rises any higher. The risks that we now face as a nation will only multiply exponentially if we fail to curtail the ambitions of our leaders at this early stage. We must apply the brakes with uncompromising vigor because the White House has both feet on the accelerator and is steering us toward decades of disaster. Rarely, if ever, have the costs of inaction been greater. We can’t afford to appease the White House today, or we will face crisis after crisis for years to come. We must continue to resist this war and occupation and work to prevent the realization of the neo-conservative blueprint for global domination.http://peaceworks.missouri.org/monitor/2003/augsept/pnac.htm For more about the
Project for a New American Century,
see the DU PNAC Archive George Bush is NOT my enemy! My enemy is the people behind Bush!! And those are the same people with whom Clark has been in bed for decades.
Clark resigned as managing director of merchant banking for the
Stephens Group Inc. in March 2003 after a 3 year stint there before going on to CNN when he was already examining running for President.
Gen. Wesley Clark Resigns From Stephens
ArkansasBusiness.com | February 28, 2003
http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=377He resigned from Acxiom AFTER the scandal broke about Acxiom selling the information about Jet Blue's passengers to HomeLand Security.
He still serves, or WAS until
very recent resignations because these involvements do NOT sit well with Democrat voters, on the boards of directors of
Sirva Inc. of Westmont, Ill.
privately held Time Domain Inc. of Huntsville, Ala.
Entrust Inc., an Addison, Texas, (Internet-security company),
Time Domain Corp. (a Huntsville, Ala., advanced wireless-technology company)
WaveCrest Laboratories (closely linked with US Military & Industrial Complex) (think he's the Chairman there)
Also is Senior Advisor for the Center for Strategic International Studies
http://csis.org/scholars/alpha.htm#c http://www.csis.org/Those are the ones that are talked about. Untalked about are these:
National Endowment for Democracy (currently implicated in the Venezuelan Coup Scandal for having financed the oppostition to Hugo Chavez) which Ronald Reagan started in the early 1980s to promote American values abroad. Also on the board Frank Carlucci, Carlyle fame, Morton Abramowitz, Vin Weber, Evan Bayh
http://www.ned.org/about/who.html Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security in the Information Age
http://www.markletaskforce.org/bios.html (Scary group with intimate ties to the Saban Center (Daniel Pipes)
trustee of the International Crisis Group
http://www.intl-crisis-group.org/home/index.cfm Anyway this article from the Wall Street Journal covers a few of those boards:
Pentagon Ties Boost Clark's Business
Retired General Helps Firms Navigate Homeland Security and Defense-Procurement Maze By Jacob M. Schlesinger and Sara Schaefer in Washington and Greg Hitt in Little Rock,Ark.
Wall Street Journal, 9/18/03
IN ANNOUNCING his presidential campaign, Wesley K. Clark promoted himself as the candidate best qualified to prosecute the war on terror. As a businessman, he has applied his military expertise to help a handful of high-tech companies try to profit from the fight. Since retiring from a 34-year Army career in 2000, Gen. Clark has become : chairman of a suburban Washington technology-corridor start-up, managing director at an investment firm, a director at four other firms around the country and an advisory-board member for two others. For most, he was hired to help boost the companies' military business.
http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=377Yes we are being bamboozled BIG TIME, but it's not in the Dean campaign.
Who so well represented corporate interests when he waged an obscene, illegal war agaist Serbia because it stood in the way of the West's grand scheme to integrate the Balkans into an economic model in which the region's economies would be subordinated to Western corporate interests. Who bombed and destroyed the entire country so Soros and his friends could get their hands on the socially owned firms that belonged to the people of Serbia?
Which candidate is being pushed on us by the DLC, well known for and very open about the corporate ties and interests?
economic blockade, debt interest elevation, "liberalisation" of neighbourhood economics, exploitation of compradore, separatist, terrorist and illicit drug-traffickers, cluster bombs and depleted uranium coated shells, to achieve their war objectives
Clark sat on the board of some of the world's most dangerous corporations while he was making his stunning journey from Republican friend of the neo-cons to the recent metamorphosis into a Democrat.
These companies and George Soros, Carlyle Group, don't represent transnational corporate interests. This is a much bigger danger than Dean's medium-level pandering to a few corporations.
Stephens Group Inc. (BCCI fame)
Acxiom (the company was recently caught selling information about Jet Blue's passengers to HomeLand Security and for whom Clark was quite a lobbyist)
Sirva Inc. with its wholly owned company SIRVA Relocation that has as its main function in over one hundred countries, the relocation of entire firms and industries overseas
Time Domain Inc. and its invasive RadarVision through-wall radar
Entrust Inc. (whose CEO is co-chair of the Corporate Governance Task Force and works with Homeland Security)
Time Domain Corp. (a Huntsville, Ala., advanced wireless-technology company)
WaveCrest Laboratories (Green but emphasis is on marketing to the
military and law enforcement) because "there are lots of places like tight alleys in urban areas where you don't want to be in a Humvee, which is big and noisy," said General Clark, the company's chairman.
The electric bike is light and simple, he said. "You turn the handle, and it just scoots. There's no sound. Just acceleration and speed. Just a shoosh on the pavement."
Senior Advisor for the Center for Strategic International Studies
http://www.csis.org/ a
Right-Wing think tank which has been very close to Bush on matters dealing with Iraq & Afghanistan. They're like a who's who of the whatever neo-cons aren't in government and has a Board of trustees who's members proudly sit on boards of Halliburton, Hunt Oil, National Petroleum Council, American Petroleum Council, General Electric, special counsellors to Reagan, and what the hell is Sam Nunn up to with the Nunn-Wolfowitz-Task Forces for Hughes Electronics? I should have guessed. DLC. Media Transparency has quite a run-down on this organization
http://www.mediatransparency.org/all_in_one_results.php?Message=CSISGrants are from the exact same major donors as the National Endowment for Democracy (see below)
Then we have my real favorites:
National Endowment for Democracy (currently implicated in the Venezuelan Coup Scandal for having financed the oppostition to Hugo Chavez) which Ronald Reagan started in the early 1980s to "promote American values abroad" by destabilizing progressive movements/governments, especially
those with a socialist or democratic socialist bent. Also on the board Frank Carlucci (Carlyle fame), Morton Abramowitz,
Vin Weber (original PNAC signatory), Evan Bayh
http://www.ned.org/about/who.html Here are the National Endowment for Democracy's major/majority donors:
Sara Scaife Foundatation financed in turn by Mellon Industrial, at one time its largest single holding was stock in the Gulf Oil Corporation. Richard Scaife is the 38th richest man in America. Scaife has been a leading financier of New Right causes. The Sarah Scaife Foundation is considered to be one of the top 4 conservative foundations. He's known as the Right's Founding Father.
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation one of the country's largest and most influential right-wing foundations. Its targets range from affirmative action to social security, it has seen its greatest successes in areas of welfare "reform" and attempts to privatize public education through the promotion of school vouchers.
The overall objective of the Bradley Foundation is ... laissez-faire capitalism: capitalism with the gloves off. (...) supports right-wing groups such as the Heritage Foundation, source of policy papers on budget cuts, supply-side economics and the Star Wars military plan for the Reagan administration; the Madison Center for Educational Affairs, which provides funding for right-wing research and a network of conservative student newspapers; and the American Enterprise Institute, literary home of such racist authors as Charles Murray (The Bell Curve) and Dinesh D'Souza (The End of Racism), former conservative officeholders Jeanne kirkpatrick, Jack Kemp and William Bennet, and arch conservative jurists Robert Bjork and Antonin Scalia. <snip / this just goes on and on sending CHILLS up my spine>
http://www.mediatransparency.org/funders/bradley_foundation.htmhttp://www.mediatransparency.org/funders/john_m_olin_foundation.htmThe Smith Richardson Foundation: active in supporting conservative causes... one of the countries richest families. Funded the early "supply-side" books of Jude Wanninski and George Gilder. Board of Directors include
Ben Wattenberg (right wing, radical Free Market, Senior Fellow at American Enterprise Institute, maker of the right-wing PBS show "Think Tank", Senior Editor of The American Enterprise Magazine[br />
More: http://www.mediatransparency.org/funders/smith_richardson_foundation.htm
Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security in the Information Age http://www.markletaskforce.org/bios.html (Scary group with intimate ties to the Saban Center (Daniel Pipes)
trustee of the International Crisis Group http://www.intl-crisis-group.org/home/index.cfm
Anyway this article from the Wall Street Journal covers a few of those boards:
Pentagon Ties Boost Clark's Business
Retired General Helps Firms Navigate Homeland Security and Defense-Procurement Maze By Jacob M. Schlesinger and Sara Schaefer in Washington and Greg Hitt in Little Rock,Ark.
Wall Street Journal, 9/18/03
IN ANNOUNCING his presidential campaign, Wesley K. Clark promoted himself as the candidate best qualified to prosecute the war on terror. As a businessman, he has applied his military expertise to help a handful of high-tech companies try to profit from the fight. Since retiring from a 34-year Army career in 2000, Gen. Clark has become : chairman of a suburban Washington technology-corridor start-up, managing director at an investment firm, a director at four other firms around the country and an advisory-board member for two others. For most, he was hired to help boost the companies' military business.
While Clark does not describe himself as a Democrat, he leans liberal on domestic policy.
Others, however, say Clark's strengths could trump the field. Morton Abramowitz, ((WARNING, WARNING- PNAC Right here!)) a State Department veteran with whom Clark worked in Kosovo, called Clark "a fighter, a determined battler" and said Clark's military experience gives the general an advantage in an area in which the other Democratic candidates are "woefully deficient."
Abramowitz: Others, however, say Clark's strengths could trump the field. Morton Abramowitz, a State Department veteran with whom Clark worked in Kosovo, called Clark "a fighter, a determined battler" and said Clark's military experience gives the general an advantage in an area in which the other Democratic candidates are "woefully deficient."
"He comes as a commanding figure," Abramowitz said. "He's run things. What has Joe Lieberman run?"
Abramowitz dismissed the idea that it is too late for Clark to consider a run for president in 2004.
"Late? So was Ulysses S. Grant. So was Dwight Eisenhower," he said.
Gen. Clark's Next War: Conquer the Democrats?