One more reason to elect Democratic candidates--they show up more often. Here's a comparison of the percentage of votes missed by Presidential candidates currently in either the House or Senate. The pattern is clear. House Duncan Hunter (R-CA): 33.6%
Ron Paul (R-TX): 19.7%
Tom Tancredo (R-CO): 16.4%
Dennis Kucinich (D-OH): 2.0%SenateJohn McCain (R-AZ): 51.8%
Sam Brownback (R-KS): 35.8%
Joe Biden (D-DE): 27.4%
Chris Dodd (D-CT): 26.1%
Barack Obama (D-IL): 10.2%
Hillary Clinton (D-NY): 2.2%Not that having Republicans miss votes is a bad thing, but one wonders if the people who voted for them know that their congressvoles are rolling dice in the basement of the Capital building like Nathan Detroit rather than doing any heavy legislating.
Data is from WashPo (House:;Senate: