Hannity & Colmes brought out Ann Coulter, of all people, to debate Barack Obama’s recent claim that issues of faith have been hijacked by the religious right and used to drive a wedge between Americans. Predictably, Coulter and Sean Hannity quickly turned the issue around to attack Obama and his faith, thus illustrating his very point. But that irony went unremarked by Democrats Laura Schwartz and Alan Colmes. With video.
The discussion opened with Obama’s statement, “Along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together. Faith started being used to drive us apart. Faith got hijacked.” Obama said it was partially because leaders of the religious right told their followers that Democrats disrespect their values and dislike their church “while suggesting to the rest of the country that religious Americans care only about issues like abortion, gay marriage, school prayer and intelligent design.”
What is it between Colmes and Coulter? Colmes sounded almost affectionate as he asked her if writing a book called “Godless” isn’t divisive. The middle-aged Coulter beamed like a schoolgirl in love.
Coulter dropped one of her “witticisms” that she had obviously prepared in advance. “No, but I do think anyone named B. Hussein Obama should avoid using ‘hijack’ and ‘religion’ in the same sentence.”
Well, at least Colmes didn’t giggle. But he offered no objection to such a revolting insinuation in the form of a “joke,” not to mention that she had just proved Obama’s point. Colmes said in an indulgent tone, “So in other words, only you can talk like that, only conservatives. Someone whose middle name is Hussein should not talk like that.”