Edited on Sat Feb-14-04 06:14 PM by WillyBrandt
I tell you something: I've been a proud Democrat my whole life, but from looking how the primary canddiates' strategies are emerging, I'm starting to think again about that.
The Democrats have no message. What they need to do is identify a few areas in which they could be better performers than Bush, not assail the office itself by attacking Bush's service to his country and by attacking the National Guard.
For example, it's not clear what the perfect mix of cuts in taxes and expenditures is, but it's likely that the administration hasn't reached the optimal mix. Democrats need to focus on the practical: find a better mix, and show that to the voters, instead of spreading rumors about Bush being Awol or snorting cocaine.
Another thing: a great majority of African-Americans, and a large (but not as large) majority of minorities generally vote for the Democrats. This is evidence to me that our party has shifted to a program of identity politics instead of focusing on issues like whether we should focus more on heavy artillery or on special forces.
Fooled ya! Bush is cokehead deserter, and don't you forget it!
ON EDIT Sorry--I just meant to do a parody of Zell Miller/Susan Estrich dejected-Dem screeds. I don't mean a word of the above.