What's become of us?
Is anyone else getting sick of the infighting that's become of this primary? It's so fatiguing and it gets us no where.
Here are things that most irritate me:
I'm saying this only because I love you!
1)When will you guys learn that attacking someone's candidate does not make them convert to your side. They will not miraculously "see the light". History shows that negative campaigning is counter-productive for Democrats. If you want to win by smearing your opponent join the RNC! Taste and Class are qualities of Democrats.
2)ENOUGH with the self righteous cries of "Conspiracy!" whether it be Media, Skull and Bones, or DLC/DNC whatever! Many Democratic voters are elderly and don't read online stories about conspiracies. They simply watch the camdidates on TV, decide who looks the most presidential and has the best resume. Besides there's a website for every conspiracy, example: "
http://godhatesamerica.com" It seems more likely to me that Democrats choose their vote themselves than are manipulated by pretend conspiracy forces.
3)Other self-righteous cries about who is "the most liberal". In THIS election Bush will not be defeated by an opponent who glorifies his liberalism. The nominee will have to be a liberal in moderate's clothing. So please stop it with the "he's not liberal enough!" argument.
4)Please try and remember the big picture. Any Democrat is lightyears better than Bush. Whoever beats Bush will champion the environment not sell it to polluters, he will champion women's rights not dissolve them, he will fight for Civil Unions (all of the Dem.s say they'll do it). He will save the Supreme Court from conservative dominance. That is mosre important than your "non-tranferable" vote
Also remember that all our guys will come together again at the end of the primary, and we must also.
So please everyone. I ask you to discuss the issues, not rumors.
Since my candidate dropped out I now have to decide who to support. The attitude of a candidates supporters is HUGE in that decision because it shows what kind of people that candidate appeals to.
Example: Bush supporters= nationalistic racist biggots
Support your candidate by promoting us all his positive qualities.
If you read this far,all I have to say is wow!