Clark is for the Kyoto Treaty, Supports University of Michigan's affirmative action plan and Affirmative Action, Supports universal health coverage, Supports funding for all-day kindergarten, establish 18:1 student-teacher ratio for grade school, Full sunshine review of PATRIOT Act, Work with the International Criminal Court, "Use force only as a last resort," Supports ban on assault weapons, "Immigration is vital to prosperity. I am very pro-immigration," supports redistribution by progressive taxation, Israel: bring in Syria and Iran into peace, "Palestinians decided to return to terrorism after 2000, "solution to terrorism is not bullets but world community".
Dean is not for the Kyoto Treaty, or for Affirmative Action, he says his views are closer to AIPAC (pro-Sharon lobbying firm, American Israel Public Affairs Committee) than to progressives calling for Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories, he is for the Death Penalty in some cases, gets an "A" rating from the NRA. Many environmentalists are speaking out against him for his pro-development stances and many other environmental issues from when he was Governor of Vermont.
In addition, many defense attorneys from Vermont are also speaking out against his increasing funding by 90% to Prosecutors, Prisons, etc. and decreasing it greatly to the the Defense Attorneys. He told a group of Defense Attorneys "My job is to make your job as hard as possible." Not only is he against medical marijuana - he was instrumental in defeating a bill that would have made it legal (rather unusual for a doctor). He has made no secret of the fact that he thinks that Defendants get all of the breaks. In addition, he tried to turn down funding for impoverished mentally ill defendants - but was told by the government that he could not legally do this and would HAVE to take it.