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Kerry John, John Kerry

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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 01:17 AM
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Kerry John, John Kerry

Q.Could Fredericksburg City Council candidate Kerry John ride the coattails of Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry? A. Only if quantum mech- anics are involved, since the council election is May 3 and the presidential election is Nov. 2.

But since name recognition is everything in politics, John and Kerry's fortunes could still be inextricably linked.


And no, Kerry John has not and will not borrow the John Kerry stump speech line about ousting President Bush. She won't change it so it's about the City Council door hitting incumbent Howson in the derrière on the way out of office. Absolutely not.

But Kerry John did vote for John Kerry in Virginia's Feb. 10 presidential primary.

"I like his views on the economy and I think he's electable," she says.

John says backers of President Bush shouldn't be concerned by her vote: "National politics and city politics are separate. City politics are certainly kept a lot more nonpartisan."

The good news for John is that everyone remembers her name in the City Council campaign. Especially after they do a double-take at one of her campaign buttons.

Everybody wants a button.
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WillyBrandt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 01:21 AM
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1. Kick!
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