Shampaign moments
Remember when John Kerry shook hands with Stalin, or when George Bush walked on the moon? Neither do they. Democratic presidential hopeful Kerry has already seen a glimpse of a parallel life with the faked photograph that appeared on the internet and in British newspapers, showing him sharing a podium with Jane Fonda, who was a mere two years away. Now you can also hit the "shampaign trail" by sending in your own mock-ups of the likely presidential candidates.
Bogus Kerry/Fonda Photo:

Help liven up the build-up to the US elections by entering our photograph-doctoring competition. A selection of our favourites will be published on the site.
Email your picture entries (jpg format only, please), including a brief explanation of the scenario (no more than 50 words) and your full name to before noon on Friday February 20.,13918,1150756,00.html********************
Come on, DU photoshoppers! One of you could win this thing!