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Why did the AFL-CIO endorse Kerry?

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:26 PM
Original message
Poll question: Why did the AFL-CIO endorse Kerry?
Edited on Thu Feb-19-04 04:28 PM by Feanorcurufinwe

John Sweeney, the AFL-CIO's president, said: "The time has come to unite behind one man, one leader."

"John Kerry has been a friend of working families," he said.

Opening a theme that the Democrats hope to use against Bush — the impact that trade has had on American jobs, he added: "This is a man who will not sign his name to a single trade agreement that does not include worker protections and environmental protections."

"Unlike George Bush," Sweeney said, "John Kerry will fight to ensure that these protections aren't just for show, but are enforced so that we have trade that is fair to workers here at home and fair to workers around the world.",1,4315104.story?coll=la-home-headlines

“the union movement is united in making sure that the next president of the United States is one who puts working families’ priorities first—issues like health care, good jobs and a strong economy,” said AFL-CIO President John Sweeney.

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LuminousX Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:27 PM
Response to Original message
1. Other
They have seen union support doesn't mean much in getting someone elected but they can't be seen as being entirely out of the game so they are backing the eventually nominee in hopes of being able to pretend they played a role in getting him elected even though he did all the hard work himself.
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JohnLocke Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:27 PM
Response to Original message
2. Other -- They want an "in" if Kerry is elected
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ibegurpard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:29 PM
Response to Original message
3. They perceive that he is going to get the nomination
And don't want the repercussions of not backing the winner.
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corporatewhore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:29 PM
Response to Original message
4. other it looked like kerry was for sure gonna win cause we all know
whose got the best beliefs in labor
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:04 PM
Response to Reply #4
12. Is it about
picking the person with the best beliefs, or the best person to be President?

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redqueen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:30 PM
Response to Original message
5. John Kerry didn't sign NAFTA?
MFN trading partner status for China?

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sweetcee Donating Member (93 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:32 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. He did and still campaigns as

At least Edwards is against NAFTA. Dean is in discussions with Edwards and I believe they might just pull it off yet...not Dean, but Edwards over Kerry. Edwards also talks about poverty and the underclass like no one since RFK!
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:03 PM
Response to Reply #5
11. Apparently the AFL-CIO disagrees with you about the importance
of those votes.

After all, they represent 13 million workers who have to earn a living in the real world.
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Iverson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:29 PM
Response to Reply #11
32. mm hmm
Anyone paying attention to organized labor knows that Kerry wasn't their first choice, and maybe not even their second. Their support is as an investment now. They do not like NAFTA and such any better today than they did yesterday.

I believe NPR covered this earlier this week.
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:33 PM
Response to Reply #32
34. So maybe they just don't believe in Edwards' sincerity.
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Iverson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:38 PM
Response to Reply #34
36. I have no idea.
I am not yet ready to pretend that there are only two Democratic candidates in the primaries. I think that doing so only encourages the corporate media in their distortions.

The issue I wanted to raise was not Kerry vs. Edwards, but the context for organized labor deciding to support Kerry instead of a candidate who more nearly represents what they want.
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sweetcee Donating Member (93 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:30 PM
Response to Original message
6. Other
The AFL-CIO leadership has become almost as removed from its membership as the 2 major parties in the USA.
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corporatewhore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:33 PM
Response to Original message
8. if they really cared about records we all know who they would haveendorsed
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pocoloco Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:46 PM
Response to Original message
9. I received a bunch of pro-Kerry literature and even a video from
the IAFF, all of which I trashed. This was back when I was supporting Clark. Looking back, maybe I should have read/watched it? Might have made me feel better if it comes down to voting for Kerry!
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Faygo Kid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:48 PM
Response to Original message
10. ABB. The stakes are just too high.
The AFL-CIO knows what is at stake. This is no time to eat Brie cheese and drink an expensive Chardonnay. Bush must be defeated. Period. Or, enjoy the Supreme Court that is coming.
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revcarol Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:11 PM
Response to Original message
13. Labor sold down the river for a mess of potage.
Edited on Thu Feb-19-04 05:14 PM by revcarol
Kerry still very pro-NAFTA, pro-WTO, pro everything that is accelerating shipping jobs our of the country. The non-leadership of the AFL/CIO wanted to go with a "winner" regardless of its impact on labor.

And as for him being for working families, Kerry didn't even deign to show up for the "overtime" bill vote.
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:13 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. 'A mess of potage'? 'regardless of its impact on labor'?
Edited on Thu Feb-19-04 05:20 PM by Feanorcurufinwe
for 'A mess of potage'? What is this 'mess of potage' they supposedly got in return?

Which vote is it that you claim Kerry didn't 'deign to show up for'? Is it true? Link please.
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revcarol Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:20 PM
Response to Reply #14
17. The leadership betrayed the ordinary Joe six-pack.
the potage seems to be Hoffa's claim that Kerry would "review" all those trade agreements.

Kerry is in the Senate and on the Commerce committee and if he doesn't know what is wrong with those agreements and why they should be dumped, after YEARS of terrible results, the man is dumber than a post.
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:26 PM
Response to Reply #17
19. Kerry's position on trade is the same now as it has always been.
Apparently the AFL-CIO representing its 13 million members disagrees with you about Kerry's intelligence, lol.

One more time, which vote is it that you claim Kerry didn't 'deign to show up for'? Is it true? Link please.
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revcarol Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:32 PM
Response to Reply #19
20. I;m not that computer literate.
It was one of those threads that listed the votes Kerry missed while campaigning,(not while he was undergoing surgery and recovering.)

It was the bill to counter Bush's changes on overtime rules. I call Bush's regulations the "just declare everyone a supervisor so you can cheat them " regulations.Kerry didn't stand up for labor if he didn't show up.
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:43 PM
Response to Reply #20
22. I think you are wrong, or mischaracterizing.
Edited on Thu Feb-19-04 05:44 PM by Feanorcurufinwe
And if you won't provide a link, I hope the mods will act according to the rules.
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revcarol Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:38 PM
Response to Reply #22
37. I was wrong. Another DU-er researched it for me.
Apologies. Musta been the Medicare vote I was getting it confused with.
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:56 PM
Response to Reply #37
38. Kerry didn't 'miss the Medicare vote'
Edited on Thu Feb-19-04 07:02 PM by Feanorcurufinwe
He helped lead the filibuster against the Medicare bill. Once the cloture vote passed, the battle was lost.

The cloture vote:

NOW Applauds Democratic Senators' Stand Against Deceptive Medicare Bill

November 24, 2003

Statement of NOW President Kim Gandy

While Republicans attempt to shove a bitter pill down the throats of seniors, NOW applauds the bold Democratic senators who have vowed to filibuster the Medicare bill. Our members especially thank Senators Edward Kennedy and John Kerry for their leadership in mounting the filibuster against the ill- conceived dismantling of the Medicare entitlement.

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pocoloco Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 11:06 PM
Response to Reply #17
44. He's dumber than a stump
for believing bush*
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West Coast Democrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:18 PM
Response to Original message
15. I don't think I like the tone of this thread
If one doesn't agree with the AFL-CIO, they are automatically,
"unprincipled sheep who have been duped by the media"?
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:22 PM
Response to Reply #15
18. Well either you believe they acted for their stated reasons
or they are unpricipled, IMHO.

If you believe they lied in their endorsement announcement, isn't that the same as saying they are unpricipled?
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West Coast Democrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:45 PM
Response to Reply #18
23. So whom should they have endorsed?
pResident Bush?

Who deserves it more, and why?
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:51 PM
Response to Reply #23
26. Did you mean to reply to me?
Obviously I think they should have endorsed Kerry, as they did.

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West Coast Democrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:01 PM
Response to Reply #26
29. I think I'm confused about the whole point of this poll question
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:20 PM
Response to Reply #29
31. The point is
to see how many DUers will pick choice #1, and how many will pick choice #2.

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Snivi Yllom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:19 PM
Response to Original message
16. other
Kerry has a secret deal with Hoffa and will flip flop on ANWR and drilling in other protected areas to allow for drilling and create other Teamster jobs.
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mmonk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:33 PM
Response to Original message
21. Edwards
hasn't voted against NAFTA and has voted FOR trade with China. Just the facts as they currently stand. Rhetoric is easy.
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:45 PM
Response to Original message
24. Deleted message
Message removed by moderator. Click here to review the message board rules.
Sean Reynolds Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:50 PM
Response to Original message
25. Yes, Kerry is for working families! - hahahaha
Edited on Thu Feb-19-04 05:50 PM by Sean Reynolds
That is why he voted in favor, and still supports NAFTA; an act that raped our communities of jobs. That is why he voted for NCLB, an act that purged our educational system. That is why he voted for a WAR that sent members of working families OFF to die.

Yes, John Kerry is for working families!

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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:57 PM
Response to Reply #25
27. Why do you think the AFL-CIO disagrees with you?

What do you think is the reason they endorsed Kerry, if he is as bad as you describe?

Kerry said: "I believe that we should be exporting goods, not jobs, to other countries."

Kerry said that every president had come into office promising to create new jobs for American workers; if current trends continue, Bush will be the first president to preside over a net loss of jobs since Herbert Hoover was president. And, he said, the administration has retreated from its prediction that the economy will grow by 2.6 million jobs this year.

Kerry, saying that he had spoken throughout the campaign with workers who have lost jobs and health insurance, said: "I have met these workers over and over again. They have touched my conscience and my heart. I will be a president who fights for those workers."

Among those brought to the rally to demonstrate support for Kerry was Cathi Schaefer of Claremont, Calif., one of the workers in the strike against grocery store chains in Southern California, and an eight-year survivor of breast cancer.

"My company doesn't want to pay for healthcare anymore," she said. "I can tell you affordable healthcare is the difference between life and death."

"Our fight in Southern California is part of a bigger fight to make sure all working families have good affordable healthcare….I'm here today because John Kerry is committed to the principle that healthcare is a right," she said.,1,4315104.story?coll=la-home-headlines
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Sean Reynolds Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:59 PM
Response to Reply #27
28. Because he's the front runner.
It's that simple. Or maybe they're just blind to the fact Kerry has stood against average families when it counted most over the past 4 years.
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:19 PM
Response to Reply #28
30. So, I worded choice number two perfectly for you.
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Sean Reynolds Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:36 PM
Response to Reply #30
35. And I voted
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spooky3 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:30 PM
Response to Original message
33. Other: John Sweeney is very close to Ted Kennedy
and TK is doing everything he can to help JK.
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Slice Donating Member (232 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 06:58 PM
Response to Original message
39. choice 1
I think the AFL-CIO must like Kerry's 92% lifetime voting record.
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 07:03 PM
Response to Reply #39
40. How dare you introduce FACTS into the conversation - you must be new.
Welcome to DU! :hi:

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Slice Donating Member (232 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 07:05 PM
Response to Reply #40
41. Thank you

Might I ask what your name means? I'm a little bit perplexed.
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 07:14 PM
Response to Reply #41
42. de rien
My name is from a Tolkien character:
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Slice Donating Member (232 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 07:14 PM
Response to Reply #42
43. Ah
Gotcha. :hi:
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retyred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 11:15 PM
Response to Original message
45. And the winner is.........
Senator John Kerry.......

retyred in fla
“Good-Night Paul, Wherever You Are”

So I read this book
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