I have been thinking about what many dean supporters have said about the media being so hard on Dean and that is the reason Dean went down the way he did. I'm not talking about AFTER the Scream, but before in IOWA. I don't see how you can just attribute Dean's failure to just the bad media because the guys who came out winners that Night, Kerry and Edwards , they were COMPLETELY ignored by the media. Heck, no one even knew Kerry and Edwards according to the POLLS. Strange? I don't think so. The media machine, owned by the republicans, knew that Dean would be too easy to beat come Nov. That is in the INTERESTS of the Media to have WAR and DEATH, because after all, that is what sells best, next to SEX. Heck if we can't show BOOBIES on TV, we can sure have WAR and DEATH, that will bring them flocking to the TV and of course money to them. Yet, Kerry came out on top and has since come out a big winner time and time again. Some people want to know why he won from the START?.... Before the FRONT RUNNER status , Kerry was attacked by being called LURCH. That had to be the most annoying thing I heard the right try to come up with. They would also say he is TOO LIBERAL, and he can't win the GE. MASS. LIBERAL, TEDDY LIBERAL, etc. Sean's Favorite Words. His HAIRCUTS?!?! OMG so expensive, how DARE he try to get a HAIRCUT!!! OMG!!! lol, I'll never get over this one, the media is so stupid to think anyone would give a damn.
But inspite of all these attacks , I stood my ground, I picked Kerry from the start. I even wanted to choose Kerry when AL Gore was running in 2000. Kerry was talking about Energy Independence and protecting the environment and it was the first time I ever knew about him. He was on Hardball and I thought to myself...why isn't this guy running?? THIS should be the President of the USA, Bush and Gore need to clear the way. Out of all the Candidates, people had to choose the one that would carry the flag for the Democrats , and it would be KERRY. WHY you ask? Because the man himself was already presidential. He always talked about issues that were bigger than himself and he is forward thinking. He didn't think it TOO CRAZY to talk about "Shooting for the Moon" for energy independence. He wouldn't hold silent because of the fear that they would think energy independence too IDEALISTIC, that this fool needs to get a grip on reality. YET Bush wants to go to MARS, and invest in STAR WARS systems. I knew who I would vote for , and it would be Kerry. Edwards was too boring, it felt like the Republicans wanted Dean, Clark was suspect because he never was a democrat, and the rest were people everyone knew didn't have a chance. It was only Kerry that WE wanted. WHO IS WE?? Blacks, minorities, the working people, the MAJORITY of the Voters. We know Kerry will win in NOV. Thank You John Kerry for always fighting for a better America.