CONCORD, N.H.—Presidential hopeful John Edwards inadvertently made news and the late night comedy shows this year when his campaign spending reports included two $400 haircuts. Now he's joined other candidates helping a Concord hair stylist who seized on the moment to raise money to fight a developmental disability.
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David Holden owns Hair Biz on Main Street, a couple of doors away from Edwards' Concord campaign office. After the Edwards' hair cut made news last spring, Holden challenged presidential hopefuls to come in for a $400 haircut of their own, promising to donate all of the proceeds to autism research. His 12-year-old son has autism.
Republicans Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee and Democrat Dennis Kucinich already stopped in for a $400 style. "They went a little beyond the challenge, and that's wonderful," Holden said.
During the weekend, Holden received a note signed by Elizabeth Edwards, and a check for $500 toward autism research.
"This personal check is a small down payment on a larger promise John made some time ago to make the lives of children with disabilities and their families better," (Elizabeth Edwards) wrote.'s neat! :)