Perfect! Hillary is SO on the *almost* pains me to watch her flail about.
Obama responds to Clinton ‘silliness’
Posted: Monday, December 03, 2007 6:10 PM by Domenico Montanaro
From NBC's Lauren Appelbaum
In an interview with WHO's Dave Price, Obama responded to Clinton's attacks. "My sense is people start getting stressed closer to the caucus, and start feeling their support isn't where it's going to be," he said in Des Moines. "Rather than provide an affirmative message, they start going after other candidates.
"I don't think that is what the Iowa caucus goers are looking for. They are right to say that instead of going tit for tat, that people who are running for President should talk about how we are going to solve the problems the American people face. And that is what I intend to do over the last 30 days of this campaign."
Obama participated in the interview after taking part in a roundtable discussion on credit card debt. He told Price he would much rather talk about issues important to people in Iowa like debt, healthcare and college education.
"Here's what I know,” Obama said. “Over the last couple of days, she has cited the supposed memories of my kindergarten teacher about my presidential aspirations. That is the level of silliness we've been hearing out of Senator Clinton and her campaign. I don't think that's what the people of Iowa are looking for right now."