Mitt Romney is wrong on America’s health care crisis. Not only does he not have a health care plan that covers everyone, the video below shows he doesn’t even know how badly our families are affected.
An Iowa voter asked Romney if he becomes President, will he allow insurance companies to deny coverage for certain illnesses. The voter knows someone who was diagnosed with breast cancer and was unable to get insurance coverage for the needed treatment. As a result she had to pay for the treatment herself.
Romney’s response: “I can’t imagine a circumstance where insurance would deny coverage for breast cancer.” Watch the video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rzNaSNKarsObviously Romney hasn’t met the thousands of people diagnosed with serious illnesses each year that find out their insurance companies won’t pay for the treatment to save their lives.
If you or a loved one has had treatment of a serious illness denied by your health insurer, share your story. Or, if you’ve had trouble getting health care coverage because you’ve had cancer or another serious illness in the past, share your story.
We’ll deliver your stories in person to Gov. Romney so he knows the truth about our health care crisis.
Thanks for all that you do.