"Here's the drill: People enter the country illegally, promptly procure bogus Social Security cards from the black market, and use them to get jobs. Eventually they get paid, and those earnings generate W-2s that go to the Social Security Administration, which tucks them away in something called the "earnings suspense file." (The government does try to notify some of the larger employers that Social Security cards they've accepted appear to be phony, but that's about the extent of its efforts to figure out where all this money is coming from.) According to the best estimates of the Social Security Administration, the fund has kept track over the last 20 years of more than $300 billion in total earnings – the vast majority of them attributable to illegal immigrants."
Illegal immigrants and Social Security
April 10, 2005
http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20050410/news_mz1e10ruben.htmlIt also appears that 'identity theft' could be charged but no one mentions how these numbers match up to illegal recipients and legitimate SS# holders
Bush plans push on immigrant laws, fines
Senate rejected initiatives in June
By Nicole Gaouette, Los Angeles Times | August 10, 2007
"The 25 measures -- some new and some that expand on current policies -- come in addition to the expected announcement of a plan to crack down on illegal immigrants by forcing employers to fire workers with discrepancies in their Social Security information...
Under the plan, the Department of Homeland Security will ask states to share driver's license photos and records with an electronic employment-verification system that federal contractors will be required to use."
Under the guise of this illegal immigration crackdown a futher crackdown and suppression of legitimate dissenters can be added as an afterthought. Well, it was predetermined but it just looks like an afterthought. Think of the original REX84 plans for the same thing, rounding up undesireables.
If they could just fine the hell out of the corporations I think this could have worked.