the un-reflective rightwing has for a long time hated Abe, who is a heroic figure no matter what politics one has: Lincoln kept the country together on the premise that if the south could secede, then why not the rich north east, or future Califonia etc? It confounds the righties that Lincoln 'said' it wasn't slavery- twas just a matter of a legal entity defending its legality, etc. Maybe that's why they hate Lincoln; i know leftists who despise Lincoln precisely because he 'hid' his reasoning behind legalist mumbo jumbo and wouldn't just say it was slavery (that was forced on him by England's thatcherite inclination to support the south, which it couldn't do when it became a slavery issue)...Ron Paul's beef with Lincoln probably was precisely the 'legal' aspects of federal powers over the states, but, again, like Lincoln knew bwetter then to anger the racists directly, and use the racism against them, maybe Ron Paul is doing that too?
what is Ron paul's opinion of Clement Vallandigham, the freeper jackass from Ohio? that would really reveal any underbelly barnacles, or broken pots etc, if Ron has them...