I call it a stupid diversion for the Kyle-Lieberman
Amendment to be held up as an acid test to assert that
Hillary Clinton wants or will allow a war with Iran to
occur. Hair splitting over it has become obscene.
Obama (along with Dodd) proposed an earlier Senate
Resolution that also designated parts of Iran's
Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. John
Edwards made a strong point that his policy toward
Iran would involve diplomacy using sticks and carrots
but he never defined his sticks. Both Obama's
earlier version and the Kyle-Lieberman Amendment
were defined and packaged as exactly that type of
The original version of Kyle-Lieberman said more
militant things also, but that version is not what
passed or what Hillary Clinton actually voted for. Yet
it almost always is those sections of Kyle-Lieberman,
the ones that got deleted, that opponents of Clinton
cite when they use her vote politically against her.
Here is the true story:
TPM coverage/story about the Kyle-Lieberman Amendment
http://tpmelectioncentral.com/2007/09/kyllieberman_iran_amendment_passes_by_huge_margin.php First photodoc of literal changes in the K-L final
wording showing what was removed:
http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/docs/kyl-lieberman-amendment/?resultpage=8& Second photodoc of literal changes in the K-L final
wording showing
http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/docs/kyl-lieberman-amendment/?resultpage=9&The original version came much closer to actually
providing Senate backing for Bush's ability to attack
Iran whenever he wanted to. Which would have been
worse? The mostly neutered K/L Amendment passing by 76
to 22 or a much more hawkish version passing by
something like 59 to 39? Because that may have been
the actual real choice without a back room deal. I am
only speculating I admit, but not wildly so. We do
know that there were last minute negotiations on the
final wording, we do know that the final wording was
much clearer about not authorizing attacks inside of
Iran, and we do know that Hillary Clinton at least
claims she would have opposed the original version and
that she was involved in those closed door
We also know that the entire Democratic Senate
http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Senate_leadership ...ultimately voted in favor of the revised K/L
Amendment, without exception.
Harry Reid, Majority Leader; Aye
Dick Durbin, Majority Whip; Aye
Patty Murray, Conference Secretary; Aye
Chuck Shumer, Vice-Chairman of the Conference/DSCC
Chairperson; Aye
Debbie Stabenow, Steering Committee Chairperson; Aye
http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=110&session=1&vote=00349#position That on the surface is consistent with a deal having
been struck. Durbin in particular is no foreign policy
I am posting today from the road and I saved the above text in an email I wrote to myself before leaving, just in case anyone made an issue out of Kyle-Lieberman again. On whole, with the information available to me (but I don't know what went on in the Democratic leadership) I oppose the vote Hillary made - and I'm glad that she scrambled after that vote to clarify that she did not intend for her vote to be misconstrued to justify an attack on Iran. She backed Webb's amendment and signed his letter to the President. I don't like the vote she made but I also don't like the dishonesty displayed by so many who claim it proves she wants war with Iran. Yeah right, she and the majority of Democratic Senators all want a war with Iran. If people really believed that, then why aren't more people putting pressure on all of the other Democratic Senators who supported K-L? I say it's because attacking them doesn't help anyone hurt Clinton's chances to defeat who ever it is they are supporting for the nomination. What? Politics being played? Here at DU? Say it isn't so.