By Ned Netterville
Rome executed Jesus for teaching his followers that paying taxes violates God’s law. The number of his disciples was increasing daily as he worked miracles of healing among the poor. Thus, Jesus had become a serious threat to Rome’s revenues in Judea and Galilee.
Pontius Pilate was the Roman procurator of revenues for Judea, a position analogous to a District Director of the Internal Revenue Service in the United States. He dare not allow a notorious tax resister to continue preaching inflammatory anti-tax rhetoric in his imperial-tax territory, lest he lose his lofty position--and his head. So, he crucified Jesus. Ned Netterville's blog (I'm not kidding either)
Here then is your multiple-choice quiz: Which of these prophets do you believe:
A. The Christian minister (Weinland)
B. The Democrat politician (Gore)
C. The enigmatic blogger, Ned Netterville, who prophesied mankind will expire as a result of an overdose of taxes levied by progressive governments on the pretext of saving mankind from global warming.
D. None of the above, because Jesus was the last true prophet.
Send your answer through the "Contact Us" page.