Barack Obama...wants to bring people together, which is in itself inherently evil. It makes me so angry when he says he wants to bring people
together. I cannot stand the idea of Americans uniting. He cannot accomplish this, because no politician in the history of the United States has
ever brought the American people together. It has never been done. We have always had a red-blue divide, as far back as I can remember, to
1998 or so. That's the beginning of history. It is impossible to unite people. If he tries, he will fail... Our best chance to win in 2008 and accomplish
our progressive policy goals is to be nasty and to smite the Republicans at every turn and to nominate unpopular politicians.
Barack Obama is evil and a hypocrite because he did this one thing one time and then said another thing another time. No one has ever done that,
ever...Barack Obama once said something mildly negative about an organization that is sort of kind of related to the board of directors a union. He
is a union buster. He wants to destroy all unions, and then eat the children of the union bosses... Obama repeats over and over that he was against
the war. This is obnoxious and it pisses me off, because I'm supporting a candidate that supported the war, and I find it inconvenient so I hate him
for it. And it makes me wonder if he wants to eat my children.
Barack Obama wants to bring up the social security issue. If we bring up social security, the Republicans will automatically privatize it, despite
the fact that we have control of both houses and the presidency, and privatization polls at 25%, and we control both the House and Senate (and
hypothetically the presidency). This is not an issue that we should use as a wedge to bang over the Republicans heads. No, we should bury this
issue, because it does not help us. It would be a tragedy if Republicans were forced to again vote for privatization, which is wildly unpopular.
The defensive posturing of the "ignore social security" strategy is still useful, even though there is no chance of privatization ever passing. The
Republicans wouldn't ever call votes and make Democrats vote for unpopular programs, so we shouldn't do it to them. Paul Krugman is a great
political strategist, who has run many campaigns.
Barack Obama is loved by the media. They treat him really well, and this is a bad thing. Campaigns are not about manipulating the media with
messenging that generates good coverage. Campaigns are not about convincing the media to write good stories. They are about fighting the
media and pissing them off and scaring them. Whichever candidate angers the media the most should be nominated, because they have clearly
demonstrated that they are a tough candidate that can piss the media off effectively, which is very important for a president if they want to get
anything accomplished. Their incompetent handling of the media should be rewarded, and candidates like Barack Obama, who force the media
to write good stories, should be tossed aside. If the media writes bad stories about someone, then they should be nominated for that reason.
Barack Obama should not be rewarded for generating positive press coverage - he should be attacked until his children cry (right before he eats