Late yesterday afternoon -- after Christmas Dinner was finished, but before I fell into that "ate too much ham" stupor --, my doorman buzzed me from downstairs. "There's someone here to see you", he said. I couldn't see my doorman's face, of course, but I could hear the smile in his voice. "Send him up" My partner and I both looked at each other with that familiar WTF? look we've been exchanging more often than not lately.
A couple minutes later, there's a light knocking on the door and I open it to see one of the Attorneys from the office that handles our family's finances, a complicated, multi-multi-generational affair leading back too, too many years to count and which would put most people to sleep if I were to attempt to explain it. As I only see these attorneys once a year -- usually around my birthday when they give me the status report as well as any new inheritance that's being added to what I already have (complicated family trusts with percentages and whatnot ... very zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz), to say I was surprised is to put it mildly. And, as I just spoke with my Dad an hour or so before, I knew everyone in the family was okay.
He then hands me an envelope and, inside, is a concise statement signed by the big kahuna at the Firm saying that all of my investments have been altered and now only support companies that are environmentally friendly, support the poor in emerging countries (and have long-standing policies that do so), do no business with companies that gain from fossil fuel technology and instead either invest or are seeking to invest in alternative energy and are in no way associated with groups that either overtly or covertly financially support Republican Congresspeople, Senators or Presidential Candidates.
This was HUGE for me as, during my last birthday -- and after asking for the umpteenth millionth time, it seemed, that these changes be made --, I finally threw down the gauntlet and said "Fine! Sell everything. I'll take the financial hit. I don't care. I just don't want my money supporting things I don't believe in and are hurting the environment and those who live on it".
As this was a fairly complicated matter to do -- selling everything -- with potentially huge repercussions for everyone else involved with certain aspects of the Family Trust, my Dad finally took me seriously and, without my knowledge, hired a team of people to research which companies not only would meet my criteria but would also be wise enough to invest in without unnecessary financial risk.
This really is the best gift he could have given me. After the 1st, I'll be able to go up to the Offices and see how much has been invested in which companies and why (I've been warned it's complicated and lengthy, but I'll try to make sense of it the best I can). But, for now, I'm just tickled pink that my money won't be supporting people or practices I can barely read about in the news let alone make a profit off of.
May seem silly to some, but I couldn't be more excited about this.