During our editorial board meetings with each of the primary contenders, candidates worked hard to define themselves on issues and on character.
During these meetings, Obama stood out; he thought deeply about the answer to each question we asked him. He spoke neither in safe, pre-scripted talking points nor in divisive polemic. He was able to give nuanced answers to questions without sounding like he was avoiding taking a position.
And he, better than any of the other candidates, was able to define common goals that make for common ground, while debating the issues that divide the country most deeply.
http://www.nashuatelegraph.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071010/NEWS08/310100074/-1/news0801Below you will find a link to the Nashua Telegraph's editorial board interview of Barack Obama. What I would like to do is first invite everyone who may be so inclined (particulary those of you who are uncommited or support another candidate) to grab a cup of your favorite beverage and set aside an hour to listen to this man, his thought processes, and his stances on the issues.
Please do not respond to this thread unless you have watched the video. I'd like to know the thoughts of folks towards Obama after watching this, and whether or not your opinion of Obama has changed and if so, in what way.
I would also appreciate supporters of Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, or Dennis Kucinich to provide a link to an in depth interview of your candidate. These kinds non media-driven, in-depth interviews are hard to come by, but immensely valuable.