Edited on Thu Dec-27-07 08:36 AM by Didereaux
"The Union-Leader, the largest newspaper in the state, slammed Romney for lacking "conviction," and said that the more New Hampshire voters saw of him, the less there was to like.
"In this primary, the more Mitt Romney speaks, the less believable he becomes," the markedly conservative Union-Leader editorial board wrote. The Union-Leader has endorsed Arizona Sen. John McCain in the Republican primary."
Last week the Concord Monitor said pretty much the same. It appears that McCains high showings in head to head national polls has persuaded some political big guns to lock, load, & fire. Few on DU have been paying attention the last few months to the fact that no matter how low in an idividual states poll Mccain is against other Republicans of the moment, he has maintained strong polling against any Democrat in a general election head to head poll. John Edwards being the exception in the top three, of late he either ties or slightly beats McCain in the nat'l polls.
Before the Obama set or the Hillary camp go off their meds or totally postal, I ask that they research what I have written, it will save a great deal on their med bills. As for the Edwards group, don't jump up and down so hard that you shake loose a kidney and require dialysis, your man is in a statistical tie with an almost geriatic poster-boy who has kissed the buttocks of the the very people who destroyed his once viable chance at the presidency. His strength in the polls merely highlights the thinness of support the American electorate has fro the Democratic Party, helped along immeasurably by our latest crop of Democratic Congressmen.
The main thing to keep in mind is that McCain is THE danger, and Democrats must, for perhaps the first time ever, use their brains and choose someone who can defeat John McCain. This require certain compromises from those whose favorite may not be the best, and after the nomination it will require a very energetic, and sustained effort from D-Day to election day in order to bring out the vote and actually have more votes to count than are stolen.
The stakes are just to high to allow any republican at all get elected back to the Whitehouse. Its your future at stake, your childrens' future, and your grand childrens' future...it is the very nations future at stake. Just one more Alito, thomas, or Scalito and the USSupCT will be in the hands of the this nations enemies and they will control all three of the branches of government. Yes, the Congress too, for it matters not which party a person claims, it matters only to whom they obey, and the Democratic Congressmen have shown that a large majority of them are Democrats in name only.