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Edwards poised to benefit as caucusgoers' solid second

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 11:51 AM
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Edwards poised to benefit as caucusgoers' solid second

Published Thursday | December 27, 2007
Edwards poised to benefit as caucusgoers' solid second

COUNCIL BLUFFS — Bill Grove is a Bill Richardson man.

He thinks the New Mexico governor, who has served as a U.N. ambassador and Energy Department secretary, is well-seasoned for the White House.

But Grove has a backup plan. If Richardson fails to qualify when Iowa's Democratic caucus votes are tallied, Grove said he will switch to John Edwards.

Edwards, the former North Carolina senator who was John Kerry's vice presidential running mate, is the bridesmaid of the Democratic Iowa caucuses.

While most polls show Edwards running a close third behind Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, the polls also say Edwards is the most popular second choice among likely caucusgoers.

In Iowa caucus politics, being second could be critical to success.

FULL story at link.

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