The questions were a bit different on each and I had done both myself earlier and come up with DK for me both times and done one for my daughter who while telling me she supports HRC came up with DK (which drove her nuts as I sipped my coffee from my DK mug).
As to what they felt or didn't I don't know. My objective was to get them to think about the issues and who might reflect them best for them. I didn't want to push my views on them. If someone, anyone is a strong social/fiscal conservative, has looked at the issues and the candidates, thinks about how things are and might be and maintains those views that is fine with me. My concerns are the ones that just take the Fox News snippets and assume they are truth.
To get to the sites I just googled "find your candidate"
The first site was from www.wqad.com
The second was the VAJoe one (which I know has a conservative bent, but had more questions). It was also the one where I got to explain waterboarding to my 19 year old niece as it was one of the questions.
The sites may have been okay or perhaps not the best, but if I can get them thinking about the issues I feel like I made some progress.