told the crowd his campaign would surprise in Iowa, and that more than 18,000 caucus-goers had pledged to attend their caucuses on his behalf. While many voters will sign multiple pledge cards, the number of potential supporters remains impressive, and gives the campaign's 1250 precinct captains something to work with. "We need you to shock the world," Richardson said.
"Today, it begins. This effort, that is so American democracy," Richardson told the crowd, "where you go and try to get a certain percentage to survive." The governor stands at just 6.2% in the latest RCP Iowa Average, though he peaks at 12% in the latest Mason-Dixon survey for MSNBC and McClatchy. If the big crowd on a frigid weekend afternoon -- when most rational people are snuggly watching football games -- is any indication, RichMentum may be the next buzz word of the 2008 campaign.
I was a bit surprised by Richardson's 12% in the latest Mason-Dixon poll.
I'm curious to see who comes out of Iowa as dead meat (5th or worse), and particularly whether Richardson or Biden comes in 4th.
Any thoughts?