from WSJ
December 31, 2007; Page A1
As presidential hopefuls from both parties rally support across Iowa ahead of Thursday's caucuses, Democratic voters are showing greater fervor for the race than their Republican counterparts, a difference that could have repercussions throughout the 2008 campaign.
At its simplest, there is a political energy gap. Democrats appear to be more fired up about their party nominating contest than are Republicans. Democrats in Iowa and New Hampshire have been turning out at rallies in greater numbers than Republicans and giving more money to candidates. In Iowa, polls indicate Democrats will be attending the Thursday night caucuses in record numbers.
"There seems to be a little more juice on the Democratic side," says Republican pollster Bill McInturff.
The intensity gap could narrow as voters nationally begin to focus more on the election and more states begin their primary voting. "If it was October 2008, I would be worried," says Mr. Nelson, the Republican strategist. "In order to win we have to have a positive vision for the country. There is plenty of time for that."
Is he kidding? For eight years they have built their strategy on fear and terra terra terra and now he's talking a "positive vision?"