A few days back, Salon blogger Glenn Greenwald put up his list of
notable quotes from 2007, which got me searching my own archives.
Some of the best and worst ones follow.
(The key distinction) "between you and the guy you are torturing is that he might be innocent, but you are not." -- Sideshow blog commenter
thebewilderness"I'm not informed enough on it. Let me find out. You know, I'm sure I've taken a position on it on the past. I have to find out what my position was. Brian, would you find out what my position is on contraception – I'm sure I'm opposed to government spending on it, I'm sure I support the president's policies on it." --
John McCain, on whether condoms prevent the spread of HIV
"It's fine to be a religion man. But if you get too much of the religion, you get out of your mind and do stupid things." -- an
accused Fort Dix terror plotter"I also learned today the president was sorry for Mr Libby and his family. I wish he would express his sorrow for my wife, whose career was destroyed and also express his regret to all the to service people fighting a war justified by lies." --
Joe Wilson"One of the things, though, that I think the antiwar crowd has not considered is that, if we're putting the Americans right within their arms' reach, they don’t have to come to Wall Street to kill Americans. They don't have to knock down the trade center. They can do it around the corner, and convenience is a big factor when you're a terrorist." --
Dick Morris"I'm not angry as a taxpayer, I'm angry as an attention payer." --
Jon Stewart re: Dick Cheney's fourth-branch-of-government claim
"There was never a serious debate that I know of within the administration about the imminence of the Iraqi threat." --
George Tenet"Presidents who win are usually very athletic. Bush runs like a seven minute mile! And Clinton liked hamburgers but he worked out. Those are the little things that actually matter." --
Karen Hanratty"So many military believe that Republican administrations are good for the military. That is rarely the case. And we have got to get a message through to every soldier, every family member, every friend of soldier, that the Republican Party, the Republican-dominated Congress has absolutely been the worst thing that has happened to the United States Army and the United States Marine Corps."--
Paul D. Eaton, Maj. Gen. U.S. Army (Ret.)"I’m sorry this, frankly, has bubbled to the surface the way it has.... But that’s Washington, D.C. for you. You know, there’s a lot of politics in this town." --
George W. Bush, about the exposure of the politically based DOJ firings
"What's worse, that the government knew, or that the government didn't know?" --
George W. Bush"Money trumps peace sometimes. In other words commercial interests are very powerful interests...." -- George W. Bush
"People are going to look back and say, you know, how come they couldn't see the impending danger? What happened to them?" -- George W. Bush
"I can only tell you what people on the ground whose judgment, it's hard for me in the, living in the uh, this beautiful White House to give you an assessment, a first-hand assessment. I haven't been there. You have, I haven't." -- George W. Bush
Any suggestions you want to add???
The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy, now at my new home: Correntewire.com