This is from a pro-Green editorial. Green Party members are starting to adopt Republican tactics along with taking Republican money.
One of the major factions in the Green Party is called the “demogreen faction”. It is also referred to as the “lesser-evil-greens faction”. A more lengthy but rather more descriptive title would be “Democrat Party Accommodationists”. These are the people in the Green Party who believe that the function of the Green Party is to improve the Democrat Party and by all means to avoid hurting Democrat Party candidates. Phil Huckleberry, one of the leaders of this faction, made this demonstrably clear at the 2005 Green Party convention when he stood up and screamed while pounding the table: “I did not join an independent party, I joined the Green Party; I did not join the Green Party to fight the Democrat Party”. Huckleberry continues to warn Green Party members not to criticize “progressive” Democrats. didn't even read most of the thing because it seems to be a lot of crazy mash about how the Green Party should fuck up the Democratic Party, in which case I tell them to fuck off. These are political masturbators who have a compulsive masturbation disorder, the type who always get caught playing "pocket pool". If my tone offends you, then keep in mind the tone of the editorial (which I didn't even really read) is also offensive to the Democratic Party, and I don't think they even address the question of lending an assist to the Republican Party. The strategy is either stupid or terroristic in my opinion.
Remember, some of the Green Party are our friends (the demogreen faction), but many of them are not. If the Green Party was withered down to nonexistance as an organization, the demogreens would smartly vote with us, and the rest wouldn't be able to try to help the Republicans so easily. I say that's a plan.