By David Espo
AP Special Correspondent / December 31, 2007
DES MOINES, Iowa—In the final days of a close campaign, likely caucus-goers in Iowa report receiving phone calls providing unflattering information about all three major Democratic presidential hopefuls.
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Some of the calls say Sen. Barack Obama's health plan leaves millions uninsured, while others say John Edwards' plans for a troop withdrawal from Iraq is dangerous or that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton cannot defeat Republicans in the fall, according to recipients.
In each case, the recipients say a caller pretending to conduct a poll of candidate preferences begins by asking who the caucus-goer intends to support.
Josh Earnest, a spokesman for Obama, criticized the calls.
"Negative campaign tactics like push polls don't reflect the values that are at the core of the Democratic Party and the Iowa caucuses," he said.
Aides to Edwards and Clinton had no immediate reaction.