Top 10 Reasons John Edwards is the Most Electable Democrat
1.) If experience won elections, Arnold Schwarzenegger would not be Governor of California, and Al Gore would have won in a landslide. With his five years in the Senate and more foreign policy experience than Clinton, Reagan, or Carter; John Edwards has enough experience to be credible on domestic and foreign policy issues but not enough experience to be labelled a career politician or Washington insider.
2.) John Edwards leaves the Republicans scratching their heads about how to attack him. He's been married 27 years. He has a short voting record in the Senate. He truly believes what he is saying and knows what he is all about as a candidate. His message is consistent. The Republicans tried to attack him for being a trial lawyer when he ran for the Senate, and it didn't work. It's difficult to attack him on that issue without attacking his very sympathetic clients. They will have a hard time with "the not ready for prime-time" argument because Bush has been President for three years, and he still isn't ready for prime time. Edwards has a firmer grasp of the issues and is much more articulate than Bush. Edwards' sunny disposition and upbeat style also make him a more problematic target for attack ads. 3.) John Edwards has a positive and optimistic message. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton have two things in common: They are the only two Presidents to have been elected and re-elected in the past 30 years and they are both famous optimists. In the general election, negativity turns people off. Besides Republicans have a natural advantage in a battle based on negative attacks- They're meaner. We should think twice about inviting them to "bring it on."
4.)John Edwards has a compelling vision for One America. John Edwards will do for Democrats what Reagan did for Republicans- articulate a coherent philosophy of government that defines the ideals, values and vision of the party. With his Two Americas speech, John Edwards frames a debate the Republicans cannot win. For the first time in a long time, Democrats would be on offense, not defense. We must not let the Republicans continue to set the agenda.
5.) A military record alone does not make a candidate strong on national security. Remember Democratic Senator Max Cleland who lost three limbs in Vietnam, and then lost to a Republican draft-dodger in 2002. The Republicans distorted Cleland’s voting record to attack him on national security, even going so far as to picture him with Osama Bin Laden. And it worked!
Ronald Reagan was perceived by many Americans to be strong on defense, yet the closest he came to combat was making army training films during WWII. When it comes to National Security, Americans are looking for good judgement, leadership, and integrity. They will not trust someone who appears to be wishy-washy or who appears to change positions to go with the political tide. Again, it comes down to trust. John Edwards is competent and honest. People will trust him to make the right decisions on their behalf.
Furthermore, with his five years in the Senate, John Edwards already has more foreign policy experience than Reagan, Clinton, or George W. Bush when they were elected. John Edwards has travelled to places like Afghanistan and Pakistan and met with leaders there. (Remember during the 2000 campaign George W. Bush was unable to name the leader of Pakistan. It will be difficult for them to attack Edwards for lack of experience and maintain that Bush was a good Commander-in-Chief despite his initial lack of experience.)
One last point on national security experience: Has experience made George Bush a better President? The problem with Bush and foriegn policy has never been his lack of experience. The problem with Bush is his arrogance, intellectual laziness, poor judgement, and lack of integrity. On the stage with George Bush, Edwards will seem much more trustworthy with respect to our national security.
6.) John Edwards makes a powerful case. John Edwards is legendary for his ability to persuade. He made a career of convincing juries to vote his way. Many of the members on those juries in North Carolina were undoubtedly Republicans with a mistrust of attorneys. Yet he won them over nearly every time. He was the most feared attorney in the state, and he is the most feared Democrat in the Bush White House. Just imagine him on the stage with Bush.
7.) John Edwards will compete with George W. Bush in every state. John Edwards would force Bush to spend time and resources in the South. He would also force Bush to take more socially conservative positions to hold his Southern base thereby, making Bush less competitive in the battleground states.
8.) John Edwards connects with ordinary Americans. In my home state of Ohio, a very important state for Democrats to win, moderate Republicans and Democrats alike tell me, “You know who I like? John Edwards.” In a general election, people vote for the candidate they like and trust, not for the candidate with the longest resume. Edwards beats Bush in the general election by about 10 points according to a recent CNN/USAToday Poll. He has demonstrated his appeal to moderate Republicans and independents by winning among this group in WI.
9.) John Edwards is the son of a mill worker. John Edwards’ life story contrasts sharply with the background of wealth and privilege of George W. Bush. Unlike Bush, Edwards understands the problems of ordinary Americans. Republicans will not be able to paint Edwards as an out-of-touch, liberal elitist. 10.) John Edwards is not too young, he just looks too young. I know he doesn’t look it, but John Edwards is 50 years old. John Kennedy was only 44 when he was elected President and that was during the height of the Cold War. Bill Clinton was only 46.
Remember people vote for President, not Vice-President. We have the best chance of beating George W. Bush with John Edwards at the top of the ticket.
Please support John Edwards.
If we give him the nomination, he’ll give us the White House