Sub S is a way to avoid "double taxation" by getting folks to pay your corporation, but then treating the income in the corporation as directly taxed to you as an individual. The result is that the wage you pay yourself has payroll tax, but reciepts earned by the corporation are just that and carry no payroll tax implications.
On Audit one can not hide income from the payroll tax as the gov requires Sub S corporations such as John R. Edwards, P.A.(formed in 1995), to pay its sole employee a "reasonable" salary. If paying a $1.1 million salary out of $11.1 million net income does not pass audit, Edwards will be hit with an additional bill.
So Novak is claiming that Edwards is hypocrit for using a sub S structure - a structure that millions of small businesses use - say that it is one of the Edwards mentioned "rich play dirty tricks on the other America" games.
But we are talking about 96 and 97 tax returns in the Novak article.
BUT IN CLASIC GOP LIE AND SPIN, NOVAK SAYS "Whether his tax avoidance was perfectly legal, however, remains unknown in the absence of an IRS audit."