Edited on Mon Mar-01-04 05:10 PM by welshTerrier2
Well, the Massachusetts primary is tomorrow ... there's just no more time to leave my options open ... early on, I thought about supporting Dean but decided not to ... then I thought about going Green but decided not to ...
I've considered most of the candidate bickering on DU to be of very little value ... i hardly ever participated in candidate discussions although I did write several billion posts criticizing those candidates who voted for the IWR ... it was a hideous vote and should never have happened ...
I've watched every debate and vey closely followed all the campaigns ... one thing is undeniable, regardless of how you vote, you must do everything you can do to ensure that bush does not get another four years ...
So, after considerable anguish, I am officially endorsing Dennis Kucinich for President and will vote for him tomorrow ... His views are my views (well, most of them) ...
Now, having said that, I feel compelled to address the ABB voters and those who may not enthusiastically support the democratic nominee ... I am 100% squarely in the ABB category ... 4 more years of bush is not an option ... this is not the time to "send the democrats a message" ... bush is a very serious threat to the republic ... our futures are being sold to the highest bidders; our government is being systematically dismantled ...
There are many things wrong with the democratic party ... and there are many things wrong with John Kerry, our eventual nominee ... but I will enthusiastically support Kerry and do everything I can to help him get elected ... it's one thing to criticize him here on DU; it's a tragic mistake to not make the best case you can for him when talking to republicans, independents or even other democrats ...
This should not be a case of "well, I really don't like him but I guess I'll vote for him" ... that's nonsense ... if you want bush out, you fight like hell to do all you can to get him out ... if you would rather teach the democrats a lesson, fine ... you can sit back and feel very self-righteous when bush wins ... and you can say "see, I told you so ... you ignored the left ... this is all your fault you stupid loser democrats" ... and millions will suffer while you can knowingly sit back and say "Hey, don't blame me ..."
The 2004 election is NOT an ordinary election ... bush is a disaster ... if the republicans were running someone less corrupt and less evil than bush, I too would consider "sending a message" ... we cannot afford to do that this year ... it's time to stop bad-mouthing Kerry and start talking about what a great leader he'll be ... if you're not able to do that yet, work on it ...
Kind of a funny endorsement for Kucinich, eh ?? but that's the way it is ... Kucinich (and Dean too) has re-energized many on the left in the party ... I commend him for the campaign he's run, the issues he's raised and the life he's breathed into the "democratic wing of the democratic party" ... and perhaps next time around, he'll be on the ticket in November ...
So, I'm endorsing Dennis Kucinich in the primary ... but I'm working for Kerry and voting for Kerry after tomorrow ...