A bit outdated but good nonetheless. :)
Posting this for those voting tomorrow.
http://www.bangornews.com/editorialnews/articles/414679_010804kucinichhasastron_.cfmThe late Sen. Paul Wellstone also was regarded as too liberal, but Minnesotans voted for him because they recognized an authentic voice that could not be corrupted. Similarly, Kucinich's constituents honor his integrity and moral clarity. "Not electable?" Kucinich defeated incumbent conservative Republicans for mayor of Cleveland, for Ohio State Senate, and for the U.S. House of Representatives. He carried his blue-collar district in 2002 with 74 percent of the vote. He can turn out a conservative Republican as president of the United States.
Can someone who sided with Bush on the war offer a clear alternative to Bushism? Or is the president likely to confuse the voters with me-too tactics, as he did when he debated Al Gore?
Can someone who will not reduce the bloated defense budget or urge thoroughgoing reform of the health care system differentiate himself from the president? To win, Democrats need a sharp contrast with Bush.
Isn't it time to vote our hopes and not our fears? Instead of too many wars in too many places and slighting the real target of stateless terrorism, instead of too high health costs and too many uninsured people, instead of growing lines between the enormously wealthy and the rest of us, instead of the disappearance of family farms and the costly consequences of so-called free trade, let us vote for a person who offers a positive vision of America as a model for the world.
Maine has no presidential primary this year. Rather, to indicate a presidential preference, Democrats must take part in their municipal caucus, to be held throughout the state on Feb. 8. For most candidates, Maine is small potatoes, with only four electoral votes sandwiched between elections of supposedly greater importance. For Dennis Kucinich, however, Maine represents a bright opportunity to demonstrate his resonance with real voters.
If we vote what's in our hearts, we can make all the difference. And if we don't listen to our best selves now, in this time of extremity, when will we?