Vote for John Kerry on Super Tuesday
New York Democrats are about to help select the candidate who will lead the party's fight to retake the White House at a time when the U.S. is on war footing and America's middle class is falling into distress. Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry is the best of their field.
The Daily News endorses Kerry because he is the most experienced of the Democratic contenders and, during a tough primary season, has proven capable of going toe-to-toe with George W. Bush over the best course for a nation battling terror and facing tough challenges in the global economy.
Kerry's only significant competition in the 10 primaries set for Tuesday is Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, a bright, winning first-termer who has been the most effective voice on the well-being of working Americans. The son of a mill worker who grew up to be a successful trial lawyer before entering politics, Edwards conveys a visceral concern about lost jobs and stagnant wages. Compassion, though, is not enough. In time, he'll likely develop the seasoning to make a more credible bid for the Oval Office.
Of the remaining candidates, only one is worth mentioning, the Rev. Al Sharpton. He has brought humor and intelligence to the process but it's also clear he isn't a serious candidate. If his purpose was to give African-Americans a greater voice in the Democratic Party, let's hope he succeeds.