Tomorrow many of you will vote on "Super Tuesday". I have received emails from supporters about voting for me even though I suspended my campaign, in ongoing support of changing the public interest on behalf women and people of color. I thank you for your continued support and for believing that we have forever changed presidential politics. But we can't stop there.
No matter how you vote in these primaries, it is important that you do vote in support of the Democrat who speaks to what you care about. Turnout in earlier primaries has been stunning, showing that voters are truly committed to change come November. Clearly the Democrats seeking the nomination have succeeded in reaching many across the country. It is critical that the eventual nominee make every effort to pull us all together, to address issues paramount in the minds of all -- to make sure that the Democratic Party is responsive and representative. No constituency can be taken for granted. Democrats must make the case that it will not be politics as usual once we unite to elect a new president .
And unite we must to make sure that un-democratic forces never go forward with appalling, unacceptable plans to amend our Constitution to take rights away from any American. Events in Haiti remind us how fragile democracy is, and how singularly important American action or inaction is to the lives of millions around the world. This is the greatest country in the world -- but it is up to us to keep it committed to the rule of law, and fairness, and liberty, and opportunity. That is why this election is so crucial, and why your involvement is so important.
We have created momentum for change. Let's keep going forward together, tomorrow and every day until November 2nd!
Carol Moseley Braun
PS: You can keep in touch with me at www.carolforpresident.com -- thanks again!