The man is becoming an embarrassment with his past week's worth of comments about Senator Barack Obama. Does the good Senator from New York have strategy sessions with him on these comments of his before hand? If not, reign him in! If so, then shame on her, but for some reason I feel he's just out there saying whatever comes off the top of his head - and it's rather uninspiring, sleazy, and under the belt.
His reference to Obama putting some type of "hit job" on him is bizarre sounding, and his saying Hillary has no chance in South Carolina because people are going to vote for a female if they're a female, and vote for a black if they're black, is really racist in tone, because of what he ended his comment with - about the amount of black people in S. Carolina, "that's why people tell me Hillary doesn't have a chance of winning here."
This is really disturbing to see the former President of the United States be so hyper-political, because when he says anything it will get air-time. There's nothing wrong with him propping up his wife wherever he goes, and to take slight digs at the opponents, but to say the stuff he's saying right now makes me dislike him, and I have backed the former President heartily since he won his first primary in '92, and outside of saying he shamed himself and disrespected the office when he had his affair in the Oval Office, have backed him up till he started acting more like a sleeze-like Faux & Friends talking head than a highly respected world ambassador and former leader of our country.
Mr. President, lighten up your rhetoric, this shouldn't be about YOU, it's about Hillary, Barack, and former Senator John Edwards.