am not issue for issue simpatico with sen. kerry, but this short essay did a lot toward convincing me he can stand up to the evil in DC and beat it...he neither denies his military service nor does he wimp out about his eventual anti-war stance...
i am not comfortable with the anybody-but-bush sentiment sweeping the seems too diffuse, dangerously so...for bush to be beaten, one person must be agreed upon by many persons with many values & interests...dr. dean interested me awhile, but his own lack of experience on the national stage & the propagandistic media swallowed him whole...sen. edwards is also too new to national politics to gain my support...kerry looks like an old warrior of many one who lived in mass. for ten years, i can tell you that his being elected there again and again bespeaks a man who can handle the shitty trenches of politics...
i personally endorse sen. john kerry for the democratic presidential nomination, and will do what i can to encourage people to vote for him now & in the national campaign in november...