Why Kerry is Dems' choice
Monday, March 1, 2004
THE POLICY differences between John Kerry and John Edwards, the two senators fighting for the Democratic nomination, are not profound.
Their most significant clashes have been about trade, with Edwards taking Kerry to task for voting for the North American Free Trade Agreement, among other moves toward globalization. Kerry has responded by expressing a heightened skepticism about the side effects of free trade on workers and the environment.
They argue about the death penalty, but, there again, the debate is on the margins. Kerry would only execute convicted terrorists, Edwards would apply it to murderers.
Also, while both candidates oppose same-sex marriage but support an expansion of rights for gays and lesbians, Kerry is the one who is unequivocal about his intent to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy for gays in the military and to extend "all rights" of marriage to couples in state-recognized civil unions.