...Bill Nelson would be great, a southern moderate with a long career in the house, a moderate voting record and he's from Florida as well as having a military background and he's not as well "odd" as Graham (don’t get me wrong if it was my decision I'd ear mark Graham for Homeland Security or Defence in any Kerry Administration).. the Kerry people will probably be doing polls to see how Nelson would help Kerry in FL and amongst moderates in the south and Midwest right now…. Personally I’d go for Rendell if we failed in November for 2008 but he's only been gov since 02 and before that only major of Philly so no but if we lose in November He’d make a hell of a nominee in 08!... he needs to stay put in PA and help solidify it behind us (I have no doubt that it will go to us again though)... yes states like Missouri and Ohio are very important this time around (Ohio in my view being the better bet) however just because a candidate does not come from that region does not mean he will not help secure it for the ticket... Edwards for example would probably play better in the rural Midwest (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, the Dakotas and northern Missouri) than in the south... a figure like Nelson would play well nationwide amongst moderate swing voters... if Warner had only been Gov a bit longer then I wouldn’t hesitate to say nominate him for VP but alas he only got in in 02... So for me Nelson is a very strong contender... along with Bayh (but he's so dull, cheer up man!) Mary Landrieu, Warner (as I said) and perhaps Jay Rockefeller... a few days ago I wouldn’t have hestitated to suggest Edwards and while he is a strong contender I worry that he would not ware well and media wise and publicity wise we need a new and exciting VP who is largely unknown nationally and a proven moderate who has not compromised by having to appeal to the liberal grassroots in the primaries... well that my two cents!