Edited on Thu Mar-04-04 03:57 PM by WI_DEM
It is apparent that barring a miracle that John F. Kerry will be the democratic nominee for the presidency in 2004. I was a strong supporter of Howard Dean and still think he would have been our parties strongest nominee. Dennis Kucinich is an able man was my second choice after Dr. Dean. He is still in the race and I feel if you support him and feel he is the candidate who best represents your views to vote for him in the coming primaries (same goes for supporters of other candidates who have left the race).
But the momentum Kerry has makes it almost inevitable he will be the nominee. I have decided to accept this assumption and after studying my options have decided to vote for Kerry in the general election. My options were supporting a third party candidate or writing in Dean's name. I decided to dismiss both as options in this extraordinary year.
For me it comes down to this--three or four Justices on the US Supreme Court could retire in the next four years. I read an article today which indicated that in 1992 The USSC came within one vote of overturning Roe v Wade--only because Justice Kennedy got cold feet did it not happen. I'm willing to trust Kerry more than Bush on nominees to the high court. If Bush is allowed to appoint three or four justices Roe will without doubt be overturned--especially with Chief Justice Scalia leading the way--and countless other laws protecting the rights of ordinary citizens, women, the environment, workers, ect could be in jeopardy.