It will give you an idea of the man's character and his boldness.
March 4, 2004
Thank you for your communication opposing the Republican plan
to add the energy bill to the highway reauthorization bill. I
appreciate your input on this important topic, and I strongly agree.
As a member of the Congressional Caucus on Renewable Energy, I
believe that we need a forward-thinking approach that includes
conservation, renewable energy sources, and the development of
innovative energy technology. I joined many of my colleagues in
urging the energy bill conferees to protect the ANWR from
exploitation and to include a renewable energy portfolio standard
and a strong climate change policy in the final energy bill.
Unfortunately, as you know, the final version of the bill is
environmentally unsound and may set back conservation policy by
many years. It includes language that will exempt fossil fuel
producers from provisions of the Clean Water and Safe Drinking
Water Acts and offer immunity to MTBE manufacturers, whose
gasoline additive has polluted drinking water nationwide. Over my
vigorous opposition, the conference report passed the House by
246-180. This misguided legislation contains almost $23 billion in
tax giveaways to special interests, who are friends of the
Administration and House leadership. Given that energy-related
businesses have contributed nearly $70 million to lawmakers and
political parties since President Bush took office 75% of that to
Republicans is it any wonder that this bill reads like a present to
the energy industry, complete with a bright bow of red ink?
Almost as outrageous as what is in the bill is what is left out: no
increase in fuel economy standards, no greenhouse gas reductions,
and no vision for research and development that will make the
United States a leader in renewable energy technology. This
country achieved its pre-eminence because past generations had the
foresight to invest in the future. Because today's Congressional
leadership refuses to make a similar investment in our future, we
are condemned to a collection of unjustified tax breaks, loopholes,
exemptions, and dodges that masquerade as an energy policy.
This environmentally destructive bill has been filibustered in the
Senate. In an effort to pass some energy legislation this session,
the Senate has introduced S. 2095, a slimmed down version of the
energy bill. This new version omits immunity for MTBE
manufacturers and does not include many of the subsidies from the
earlier bill. Rest assured that I remain committed to increasing our
nation's energy efficiency without jeopardizing our nation's
transportation infrastructure.
The League of Conservation Voters in 2003 again evaluated my
voting record as your Congressman as 100% pro-environment and
the Public Interest Research Group in 2003 named me a "Public
Interest Champion" for my efforts to oppose wasteful subsidies for
polluting industries. I am particularly pleased to have been
honored for my dedication to the environment by both Friends of
the Earth and the Austin Regional Chapter of the Sierra Club.
I would appreciate your thoughts on other issues that may be
considered in Congress. If you have not done so already, please
take a moment to visit my website at where you can complete a survey
Please keep me advised of any federal matters with which I may be
of assistance.
Lloyd Doggett
201 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-4865, (512) 916-5921