That being said, it's not a foregone conclusion that the GOP will pick up all five seats being vacated by John Edwards of North Carolina, Fritz Hollings of South Carolina, Zell Miller of Georgia, Bob Graham of Florida and John Breaux of Louisiana.
Congressional scholar Norm Orstein of the American Enterprise Institute says that in South Carolina and North Carolina, Democrats will benefit from two strong candidates: Inez Tenenbaum and Erskine Bowles, respectively.
Meanwhile, rumors continued to swirl about where Edwards goes from here, including -- until an Edwards spokesperson put it to rest -- a rumor that he might return to the U.S. Senate race.
The race to replace John Edwards in the U.S. Senate is quietly building momentum. Two candidates have surfaced as front-runners, but they are saving the heavy hitting for the fall.
Democratic candidate Erskine Bowles and Republican candidate Richard Burr both want the Senate seat that John Edwards is leaving behind. They are pounding the political pavement at gatherings like Friday's Tobacco Growers meeting.