Statement by Governor Dean on Recusal of John Ashcroft
CHARLESTON, SC--Governor Howard Dean issued the following statement today on John Aschcroft's decision to recuse himself from the Plame investigation:
"While I am encouraged by John Ashcroft's decision to recuse himself from the investigation into whether senior Bush administration officials broke the law by disclosing the identity of Ambassador Joseph Wilson’s wife, a CIA operative, it is too little too late.
"It is critical that the investigation into this breach of national security be carried out free from political influence, and currently, Justice Department attorneys are still answering to a Bush political appointee.
"Today I renew the call I made three months ago: Whether it is a special counsel or the Justice Department Inspector General, the American people deserve a person whose honesty, objectivity, and fairness are guaranteed to investigate this serious matter."
It would be nice if all 9 would issue a joint statement to this effect, wouldn't it?