, the undersigned, are troubled by the way information flows and the way meaning is produced in our society.
WE HAVE LOST CONFIDENCE in what we are seeing, hearing and reading: too much infotainment and not enough news; too many outlets telling the same stories; too much commercialism and too much hype. Every day, this commercial information system distorts our view of the world.
WE HAVE LOST FAITH in the institutions of the mass media. A handful of corporations now control more than half the information networks around the world. At a time when people worldwide face hunger, social disruption, war and ecological collapse, only those who know how to walk the walk, talk the talk or pay big bucks are getting their message across.
WE HAVE LOST HOPE that our national media regulators will act in the public interest. Essential rules limiting media ownership and concentration are being scrapped, while rules protecting local content and access are diluted.
WE HAVE LOST PATIENCE waiting for reform.
WE IMAGINE A DIFFERENT SYSTEM – a media democracy. We see great promise in the open communications of the internet and want that openness expanded into every form of media. We envision a global system of communications that has as its foundation the direct, democratic participation of citizens. To this end, we demand the timely transfer of key media sources back to the people.
As a start, we demand the right to buy radio and television airtime under the same rules and conditions as advertising agencies. We ask our media regulators to set aside two minutes of every broadcast hour for citizen-produced messages. We want the six largest media corporations in the world broken up into smaller units.
What we ultimately seek is a new human right for our information age, one that empowers freedom of speech with the right to access the media. This new human right is: The Right to Communicate.
WE HEREBY LAUNCH A MOVEMENT to enshrine The Right to Communicate in the constitutions of all free nations, and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Sign the Manifesto---
Every age has its human-rights battle, and every social movement has to fight one. The civil rights movement, feminism, environmentalism, the global justice movement – each has reshaped the way we understand human freedom.
Media Carta is the human-rights battle of our information age. It is about us, the people, singing the songs and telling the stories and generating culture from the bottom up, instead of having it spoon-fed from the top down.
This is a fight that we cannot avoid. Without a media democracy – meaningful public access to the most powerful forms of communication – we cannot raise healthy children, create good public policy or hold elections that matter. We lose the power to shape our own consciousness, our own future. We lose even the power to imagine what that future may look like.
We need a total revolution in the way we relate to the media. We want access. We want public communications. We want a fair marketplace of ideas.
Media Carta is a great personal, intellectual, social, cultural and legal test. It is a freedom fight worth breaking unjust laws for. It’s worth street protests, all-out meme wars and international days of action. Media Carta will tip the balance of power from corporations toward civil society. It is the issue of issues, the jam of jams – the ultimate struggle for a genuine democracy.
A victory here will change everything.