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The thing that has always worried me about Kerry

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musiclawyer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 02:46 PM
Original message
The thing that has always worried me about Kerry
is coming true. He has absolutely no rapid response team. Out comes the new crappy job numbers and it Edwards who fires off the first statement! Dean would have reacted even faster and harder. I am worried sick. Kerry says nothing about


911 stall/ whitewash

Haiti Coup


energy bill



He has to keep this stuff front and center and aggressive

All I hear him say is " GG is taking this country in the wrong direction" WTF Like we don't already know that. Maybe he's not as stiff as we thought, but c'mon fire has to be fought with fire. When a lie comes from the white house (which is everyday) he has to call it as such. The cameras are always rolling now.....Damn it!
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dennis4868 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 02:53 PM
Response to Original message
1. Agree 100%!!!!
I cannot stand it when he keeps saying that "there was a right way to go into Iraq and a wrong way." WTF? We were lied to by the Bush WH....just say it's not that hard. All of the evidence there to suggest that. He can easily explain his vote for the war by saying, "Bush told me that Iraq could turn this country into a mushroom cloud in 45 minutes and so I gave Bush the benefit of the doubt and voted for the war. But now that I know the truth I now know I was lied to and would have never voted for the war if I had known the truth."
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vi5 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 02:53 PM
Response to Original message
2. Didn't he just come out with the line...
"at this rate the bush administration will create their first job 10 years from now."

As for the 9/11 ads, I think he is doing the right thing by staying out of it. Let everyone else hammer bush (which they are doing) and he is taking the high road. Otherwise he looks opportunistic.

I think at this point we need to give some benefit of the doubt here.
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Dedalus Donating Member (136 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 03:05 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. High roads...
There's a difference between the High Road and the Scared Road. I'm all for keeping it clean, but there's a difference between attacks and simply telling the truth. Sure, the GOP will call it dirty, but they're going to call whatever we do dirty, even if all we do is pet kitties, so we might as well get called dirty for actually doing something. Kerry needs to call Bush on as much BS as possible as fast as possible, but do so like an adult--that way we have our cake and eat it too. He also needs to develop a personality, to make up for widespread thoughts of "I miss that Edwards guy." AND: I also think writing off religious people is premature and unwise--I know tons of liberal Christians (you know, the ones who pay attention to the stuff Jesus actually said) who are sick of people assuming that Christian=Republican... This could be a good year to hammer away at that tautology.
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onehandle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 02:59 PM
Response to Original message
3. From this morning:
They have rapid response. They are in place to respond to what Bush says. The subjects you mention are handled indirectly when needed, unless Bush's campaign brings it up. Which they likely won't unless the media fixes on it.

Also they have to pick their windmills carefully

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. - President Bush charged Thursday that Democratic rival John Kerry's approach to recent tax cuts would be to "take them away" and use the money to expand the federal government.

"I have a better idea: to keep this economy growing and to create jobs, the tax cuts must be permanent," Bush said at a fund-raiser where he banked more than $700,000 for a re-election war chest that already dwarfs Kerry's. snip

Kerry's campaign hit back even before Bush started talking. It noted that hundreds of thousands more people are unemployed in California than when Bush took office in January 2001, and that the unemployment rate in this inland region is more than 13 percent.

"George W. Bush has consistently promised that his tax cuts will deliver jobs, but the results are terrible," Kerry's campaign said in a statement.
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PATRICK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 03:07 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Of course sometimes
they can't get the message out so surrogates is perfectly necessary and legitimate. The response because of the media will also have to be varied in form and substance from various angles or they will learn how to pigeonhole and handle it.

That said I don't see Kerry being timid or cautious. Clark and Dean set good benchmarks that worked and set the examples that worked. Kerry all that time was simply being ignored or limited so packaging never was a point even when he did speak out.

Smart and outspoken so far except for being Nader baited into overreacting the wrong way, IMHO.
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scarletwoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 03:20 PM
Response to Reply #3
7. That's not a response
Just saying bush's "results are terrible" doesn't say ANYTHING!

Spell out WHY they're terrible, explain WHY tax cuts don't produce jobs, and then spell out your OWN plan for increasing jobs.

Just saying "jobs is my number one priority" (as I've heard him do) without saying what ACTIONS he intends to take is just meaningless sloganeering. I want to hear about an actual plan of action, and if his campaign can't put together a quick soundbite summary of a plan, it just sounds like there's no "there" there.

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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 03:18 PM
Response to Original message
6. Then try reading the threads about those positions.
Kerry was the FIRST to jump on Bush for Haiti, saying Bush should have protected Aristide from the rebels.

Kerry is assembling a legal team for BBV.

Joe Wilson came out swinging in July BECAUSE he had aligned himself with John Kerry and thus had a layer of protection. You think Wilson came out on his own? That's why Kerry asked for a special investigation into pre-Iraq intelligence last summer and has mentioned it more than a few times since.

Maybe you should be more careful before you throw out your own impressions which are obviously unstudied.
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 03:23 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. it seems to be on purpose
i'm sorry, but it seems to be as if they are doing it on purpose. because while i could maybe understand if they had a problem with what kerry said. saying that kerry has said NOTHING is just totally false. notice how the threads on kerry talking about these things just sink down really fast without much response.
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LandOLincoln Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 04:41 PM
Response to Original message
9. Edwards, Dean, Clark et al. ARE Kerry's
Rapid Response team. :bounce:
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sangh0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 04:45 PM
Response to Original message
10. Get out of the cave sometime
Kerry has spoken out about *ALL* of the issues you mention. Just yesterday he spoke out about Bush*'s 9/11 ads and how Bush* has shortchanged first responders.

The day before he was in Fla and spoke about the stolen election. He's also spoken of the AWOL and Chickenhawk issue, Wilson/Plame, and all of the issues you mention
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sangh0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 04:47 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. Kerry Calls for Special Counsel in Wilson Investigation
Kerry Calls for Special Counsel in Wilson Investigation

Kerry Calls for Special Counsel in Wilson Investigation

September 29, 2003

For Immediate Release
Boston, MA –

Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry said, “This is more than another example of politics driving the Bush Administration. The bottom line is that outing a CIA agent endangers lives, threatens national security and breaks faith with those who put their lives on the line to protect this country. It is outrageous that the President who campaigned with a promise to restore integrity to the White House refuses to get to the bottom of this. No one should shield criminals who compromise national security for political purposes especially if they are on the President’s staff.
“This investigation should be immediately removed from the politics of the Department of Justice. Too many serious questions exist to risk allowing any potential for political intervention. The track record of John Ashcroft and this Justice Department do not adequately assure Americans that legitimate questions will be answered fully without any political bias. A special counsel should be appointed immediately so that we can find out how George Bush let this happen and hold those responsible accountable.”

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sangh0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 04:51 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. Urges President to Tell the Truth about September 11th Intelligence
John Kerry Calls on Bush Administartion to Address the Preparedness Gap
Urges President to Tell the Truth about September 11th Intelligence

July 16, 2003


The only winners from President Bush stonewalling the bipartisan 9/11 Commission are the terrorists. Until we know what went wrong, we can’t fix it. President Bush needs to show some leadership and tell John Ashcroft and Tom Ridge to quit stalling and provide the Commission with the information they need. This is about people, not politics --- policy, not partisanship.

Until we know what went wrong before and on September 11, 2001, we won’t be able to fix it. That is why John Kerry and others in Congress listened to the 9/11 victims and survivors and forced President Bush to accept the bipartisan 9/11 Commission.

The bipartisan leadership of the 9/11 Commission has recently reported that President Bush, his Attorney General and other senior officials are slow rolling requests for information required by the law. Without adequate information, the 9/11 Commission can’t do its job.

Every day that goes by without the 9/11 Commission completing its investigation, is another day that all Americans are at increased risk.

President Bush should immediately direct every member of his Administration to make it a priority to comply with every lawful request made by the 9/11 Commission and he should fire any member of his Administration who endangers America by not complying.


The Bipartisan Council on Foreign Relations Report Led by Republican Senator Rudman Concludes Nation is Woefully Unprepared. The United States has not reached a sufficient national level of emergency preparedness and remains dangerously unprepared to handle a catastrophic attack on American soil, particularly one involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear agent, or coordinated high-impact conventional means.

The major findings of the report include:

1) Fire Departments Don’t Have Enough Equipment or Firefighters. On average, fire departments across the country only have enough radios to equip half the firefighters on a shift, and the necessary breathing equipment for one third. Only 10 percent of fire departments in the United States have the personnel and equipment to respond to a building collapse.

2) Police Don’t Have the Gear They Need. Police departments in cities across the country do not have the protective gear to safely secure a site following an attack using weapons of mass destruction. We saw in the World Trade Center attacks that local emergency responders will rush to the scene of an incident even if they do not have the tools they need to do their jobs safely. It is unconscionable to ask policemen and firemen across the country to potentially respond to a terrorist attack without working radios, sufficient breathing apparatuses, enough protective suits, and other life-saving equipment.

3) Our Hospitals and Public Health Labs Aren’t Fully Equipped to Respond to an Attack. Public health labs in most states still lack basic equipment and expertise to adequately respond to a chemical or biological attack, and 75 percent of state laboratories report being overwhelmed by too many testing requests. We must strengthen our laboratories, disease tracking, information sharing, and training for terrorism-related public health emergencies. We must also strengthen the very heart of our public health system: our nation’s hospitals to expand and enhance their capacity to respond to events.

4) Our Nation’s Ports Aren’t Protected. More than 6 million marine containers enter U.S. ports each year. The Customs Service physically inspects only about 2% of the containers. Many port areas have vulnerabilities to terrorist attack because of their size, easy accessibility by water and land, proximity to urban areas, and the tremendous amount of cargo they handle.


673 days have now passed since 9/11, and we are just now learning how unprepared we are to prevent future acts of terrorism, how much rhetoric President Bush has devoted to combating terrorism and just how little President Bush has really done to prevent it.

President Bush has failed to seek proper funding for virtually every aspect of terrorism preparedness. President Bush has neglected America’s First Responders (police, firefighters and paramedics). Bush has cut COPS and firefighters at the same time many of them are off to serve in Iraq in the Reserves.

The Bush Administration has been slow to get money out the door into the communities that need it.

Starving the state government causing states to cut back on first responders. Because of large tax cuts and Bush neglect of the economy - the states are in the worst fiscal condition and are being forced to cut back on funding.


Making sure our frontline troops have the protection and training the need to do the job right. Today, John Kerry makes the following pledge to the Nation and its first responders: We don’t send soldiers to war without the training and equipment they need to fight John Kerry won’t send the foot soldiers in the war on terrorism here in America: police, fire fighters and paramedics without the training and equipment they need.

KERRY PLAN TO MAKE SURE WE HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE ON THE FRONT LINE ON THE WAR ON TERRORISM. John Kerry has proposed reinvigorating the successful COPS program which funded over 100,000 new community police officers ahead of schedule and under budget and a new Father Judge Fund which will pay for 100,000 new professional firefighters and the training and equipment which they need. That means:

Giving those on the front lines the tools they need to get the job done. First responders will be provided the equipment and training they need to get the job done. This is the least we can do for the women and men who put their lives on the line for us every day. We do it for our uniformed services we can do it for our first responders.

o Stop trickling resources through bureaucracies and get to those on the front lines. Federal money will rapidly move from Washington to the agencies which need it no stops in state capitals or with any politicians. NYFD money will go directly to the NYFD.

o National standards to assure that every American receives a basic level of security. Every American is entitled to a basic level of security, and national standards will allow us to define how to prepared and every jurisdiction should develop a road map for getting us there without unfocused and inefficient spending.

o A targeted alert system. An alert system that works and is applied in a sensible and localized manner. When there is intelligence that there is a terrorist threat in one place, that is the only place we will raise the alert level. No more national Orange Alerts unless there truly is a threat across the Nation.

o No more unfunded mandates. When Washington raises the threat level and requires a greater law enforcement response, it cannot just leave states to foot the bill again and again
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sangh0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 04:52 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. Statement from John Kerry on Haiti

Statement from John Kerry on Haiti

February 24, 2004

For Immediate Release

“The current crisis in Haiti is yet another example of Bush Administration neglect in our own hemisphere. Instead of working to support democratic institutions for the past three years, this Administration has seemed intent on bringing about regime change by encouraging the opposition and cutting off aid from the United States and international financial institutions.

“When the situation on the ground began to degenerate into violence and lawlessness over the past weeks, the Administration stubbornly refused to engage diplomatically. As a result, Haiti is now on the verge of collapsing into a failed state, potentially creating untold hardships for the Haitian people and an enormous influx of refugees on our shores.
“The Administration has now finally realized that it must work multilaterally to broker a power sharing agreement between the parties – the only question is why they didn’t do this sooner. By waiting until the 11th hour to take action, they have made a peaceful resolution that much more difficult to achieve.

“Even now, we must do more to preserve the democratic process. It is not enough for the Secretary of State to make phone calls – we should immediately bring the full weight of U.S. diplomatic pressure to bear on the parties. In 1994, President Clinton sent Colin Powell to Haiti along with President Carter and Senator Sam Nunn to resolve the crisis. This President should do no less. If he won’t send Colin Powell, then he should name another special envoy who understands the Haitian people, understands their terrible problems, and understands the vital US interest in bringing peace and stability to Haiti.

“In addition to pursuing vigorous diplomacy, the U.S. should bring real leadership to restoring order by working to ensure that a multinational force -- including police from OAS and CARICOM nations, backed up by a visible show of US military force off the coast -- is sent to Haiti as soon as possible. Once the situation is stabilized, the U.S. should provide training and equipment to Haitian police forces, lift the restrictions on our bilateral aid, at least for health and education grants, and ensure that the international financial institutions to give aid in these areas to the government.

“America has a duty to advance our best ideals abroad. If we hope to lead the nations of the world towards a more democratic future, we must act now to protect a fragile democracy in our own backyard. Failure to act in Haiti will have direct consequences on our shores. There is no excuse for allowing this to happen.”

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sangh0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 04:53 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. George W. Bush Needs to Answer the Tough Questions on Iraq

George W. Bush Needs to Answer the Tough Questions on Iraq
Statement of John Kerry

September 07, 2003

“Being flown to a carrier and saying the words Mission Accomplished, does not end a war. The swagger of a President saying 'Bring’em on' does not bring peace.
“Giving a speech on national television does not reassure Americans about what’s happening in Iraq -- to be straight with the American people about Iraq takes more than a speech, it takes real answers to tough questions. President Bush needs to lay out the full answers owed to the American people – he should have done so before he ever went to war, he needs to do it now.” -- John Kerry

The American people deserve to know the truth – real answers to the following questions:
1. How are we going to get others to share the financial burden in Iraq and how much should we expect of them?

2. Given the way the Administration pushed aside our allies before going to war, how are we going to get more international security forces to share the burden and risk with our troops?

3. How are we going to convince the Iraqis that we are friends not occupiers?

4. When and how are we going to transfer power to an Iraqi government?

5. When will the oil flow and when will the oil revenue be available?

6. While helping to stabilize Iraq, what is the Administration’s plan to avoid the strain on troops that have been overextended?

7. When will electricity and other basic services be available through out Iraq?

8. How much is Iraq going to cost the American taxpayer?

9. Why didn’t the Administration assign enough troops to secure the weapons of mass destruction sites, secure the non-WMD ammunition sites, and prevent the looting – in short, what was the plan?

10. Why was the planning for securing the peace so off-the-mark?

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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-04 04:56 PM
Response to Reply #14
15. The thing that always bothered me about antiKerry people is that they
never bother to RESEARCH THE FACTS about Kerry before they condemn him with their own ignorant proclamations that they then deem necessary to share with others.

Go figure.
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