We now have a presumptive Democratic nominee; I have been struck by what that means now and the ominous task ahead. There are still 8 months to go before the general election in November. Whew! It’s a turning point, and the hardest job will be Senator Kerry’s. He has an able staff around him, but what will I do?
Before Election 2000 I never gave much thought to an election besides voting, and until this one I never gave any thought about giving any time or money to one. It wasn’t until the shock of the Florida recount fraud that I sought out alternate news or like minded web sources to help me make sense of what I had witnessed and help me know that I wasn’t just imagining that what I had witnessed was egregious and that an election had just been stolen in front of my eyes. It wasn’t until after that that I found places like Truthout, BuzzFlash, Democratic Underground, etc.
So now I can’t go back – even if I wanted to. I’ve seen and been through too much. I’ve been doing more, I’ve been more involved with this election, but it’s still not enough. Now that there is a nominee apparent I have given this a lot of thought a came up with some additional things I can do to become more involved in helping Senator Kerry become the next President of the United States. I am a grad student and my brief hiatus will be over this week, but I am willing to do double time in order to accomplish these additional tasks in order to meet the additional goals.
I contacted Kerry campaign headquarters in my city yesterday to volunteer my time on a regular basis for the rest of the year. I first contacted them 7 weeks ago before the primaries began. One of the tasks I’d like to accomplish is to get 10 other people involved in their local precincts over the next couple months, and to encourage those people to in turn get others involved in this election as well. I haven’t yet decided the best to accomplish this, although one way might be through DU. This really depends on whether I bit off more than I can chew in my next graduate schedule.
That’s what I plan to do. How about you?
I think Senator Kerry is a good man, and the best man able to lead this country out of the mess that George W Bush has led this Country into since the stolen Election 2000. I may not agree with every decision Senator Kerry has made in the last few years, but that does not erase his 30+ year liberal history or warrant me to judge more harshly the few decisions I disagree with in the last few years in the most hopeless and hostile atmosphere the Democratic Senate has been exposed to in recent memory. I believe he did the best he could under the circumstances and survived to do better another day.
You think the last several months have been bad? The next 8 months are going to be worse. I believe we are going to see the dirtiest and nastiest campaign ever with the Rove/GOP manufacturing sleaze and shit to be hurled in every direction. Expect another Arkansas project from them on Senator Kerry looking for any hint of unsubstantiated gossip or innuendo to toss out to the right wing pig machines like Rush and Drudge just to see if it will grow and stick and to make Kerry address it nonetheless.
Kerry and his team are ready for this, but I’m not sure all of us are prepared. And if you don’t think Rove is capable of this, check out this thread outlining, with documentation, the kind of sleaze Rove is capable of and has been associated with in the past.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=104&topic_id=1126323&mesg_id=1126323The time for Democratic candidates having to fight battles on two fronts, and on both ends of the spectrum, has to stop. If you can’t find it in yourself to work FOR Senator Kerry and for the benefit of the Democratic Party, then fine – don’t. And by the same token, you need not actively seek to work AGAINST him either. And those who are angered by those who refuse to support Kerry – just lay off of them. They are not obligated to support Kerry or vote for him, and we can do the heavy lifting without them. Most will come through when it’s time to vote, some will not. C’est la vie.
It’s going to be a rough ride over the next eight months. Brace yourselves, and be ready for it.
May the best man win. Kerry - 2004