Edited on Fri Mar-05-04 06:31 PM by leftyandproud
It really makes no sense. Technically, everyone is for "progress" The pubs want to "progress" towards unrestrained corporate power and fundies running the government, banning all sorts of things they don't like. Every victory they have against abortion or gay rights is "progress" to them. They consider reducing taxes, jailing pot users, and taking over 3rd world countries to be a sign of "progress". We on the left see these as "regressive" policies, and they see our legislative victories the same way.
Every victory we have for our issues is "progress" towards our ultimate agenda...and vice versa for them. Most American people don't have a f*cking clue what "progressive" means...It just sounds stupid and self congratulatory to those who use it..It makes you sound like you have a big ego...When I hear someone say "I'm a progressive because I want progress...I want fairness" My immediate reaction is "Well NO SHIT SHERLOCK!! Everyone is for progress..everyone is for fairness!!"...The question is what are you progressing towards?? What is your definition of "fair"? There are several different visions of the world, and these words have COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MEANINGS to different people. We need to talk about reality...what we will do in practice if the American people give us a chance...Quit using these stupid labels and explain our agenda. A nice chunk of it does involve LIBERAL spending on the poor and underprivileged. The right may call it "socialism", but we can't be afraid of this. The American people agree with these policies and programs...and if our leaders get the guts to confront the fundies head on and ask them if they would like to dismantle "socialist" policies like social security, etc...we ill pain them into a corner, and they will be forced to agree that a little "socialism" is a good thing. This would devastate and demoralize the true believers on the right, and keep the issue in the forefront with the American people. It will stick in their consciousness...They will come to realize that the devil known as socialism is already benefiting them and their parents...the safety net is a good thing, and the democrats are the only ones fighting to maintain and strengthen it. We win every time. They lose every time. Just be honest...confront the pubs...talk straight...explain the agenda...explain what we are already funding many liberal/socialist programs in America and that they are EXTREMELY POPULAR.
Please please stop hiding behind the "progressive" or "populist" labels in public...It sounds stupid...It sounds egoistic, and a lot of people don't know what those labels mean. You are not a "populist". You're a liberal. You are not a "progressive". You're a socialist. Be honest...if you get called one of things words in front of others, don't cower...don't hide from it. HIT BACK...Say, you're God d*mned right...I believe in 'x...y...z'...I care about the American people and think their interests take precedence over everything else. If this makes me a 'socialist' or a 'liberal', so be it. Ask them if they are ready to dismantle social security and the argument ends right there. If they say yes, onlookers will hate them. If they say no, they are agreeing with a 'socialist' program.
Either way, they lose. Don't be afraid!
</rant over>